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Hope none of us ate beef in France!

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Well-known member
Feb 10, 2005
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Montgomery, Al
Secret French "Mad Cow" Epidemic Affirms U.S. Beef Safety

Dennis Avery

Want to feel safer about 'mad cow' and the U.S. beef supply? Just look at the latest headlines from France.

A shocking new report from French government researchers reveals that France had a
secret epidemic of more than 300,000 'mad cows' before 2000. The official French line told the world that the country had only 103 confirmed BSE cases.

"The Unrecognised French BSE Epidemic," by Virginie Supervie and Dominique Costagliola, has just been published in Veterinary Research, an international animal health journal.

The Veterinary Research authors, knowing that farmers and livestock veterinarians were reluctant to "panic the public," used data on the total number of BSE cases now known, and the historic rate of its geographical spread to calculate the likely true extent of the French cattle infections. The authors estimate that France had 301,200 'mad cows' before 2000, more than 2,500 times the official number. "Furthermore, 47,300 animals at an advanced stage of the disease entered the food chain before 1996, and 1,500 between July, 1996 and June 2000," say the French researchers.

The editors of Veterinary Research, appalled at the implications of the article, had it verified by three independent scientists before its publication.
Mike that is just one shocking news report...do you suppose the word France is going to be replaced with USA or Canada anytime soon? Have a good evening everyone and thanks for reading.
whiteface said:
Mike that is just one shocking news report...do you suppose the word France is going to be replaced with USA or Canada anytime soon? Have a good evening everyone and thanks for reading.

I don't think there's a chance of that happening here. But I did want to point out that coverups do occur, and will occur.
Maple Leaf Angus said:
Ahem, excuse me MIke, but did you think about what you just said?

(Watergate, Contras, . . .surely notCATTLE gate)

The word "Cattlegate" has already been taken MLA! You know, It's pipes laid over a hole in the ground in a open part of a fence, so that we may drive through the "Cattlegate". :wink:

I meant to say......... coverups do occur and will keep occuring. Especially when you got crooks in the mix.
reader (the Second) said:
From the Steve Mitchell article that Frenchie posted that was post the November shocking negative (now positive):

"I think some, but not all, BSE people internationally have some degree of cynical de facto doubt about everything the United States does or doesn't do, mostly as a result of seeing so many similar situations where countries at risk deny and deny and deny and then end up having big problems," said Elizabeth Mumford, a veterinarian and BSE expert at Safe Food Solutions in Bern, Switzerland, a company that provides advice on reducing mad cow risk to industry and governments.

Several countries, including Germany and Austria, that had been thought to be free of the disease, found out it was circulating in their herds after they initiated large-scale testing.

If there is one thing that has caused the credibility of the USDA to be questioned is their denying Creekstone to test. I have seen too many believable articles questioning the motives behind their decision. It was an obvious attempt to have total control of all aspects of any test results.
Mike said:
Maple Leaf Angus said:
Ahem, excuse me MIke, but did you think about what you just said?

(Watergate, Contras, . . .surely notCATTLE gate)

The word "Cattlegate" has already been taken MLA! You know, It's pipes laid over a hole in the ground in a open part of a fence, so that we may drive through the "Cattlegate". :wink:

I meant to say......... coverups do occur and will keep occuring. Especially when you got crooks in the mix.

I'll have you know that this is an entirely new word because I put the first part of it in ITALICS!

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