Found a great article encompassing a lot ot the debate that goes on here at Ranchers. Thought I'd post it for everybody to read. ( It may be long for some, but well worth the time!) Here's a snippet:
You know the scenario. The local cattle producers are
meeting this week in town to hear a speaker that has
come in to discuss the changing beef system and how
people can develop a strategy to be part of that system.
Most people come to really hear what the speaker has
to say and figure out how they will have to change to
fit there beef operation into the new system. The
questions are challenging for the speaker as the
audience tries to get as much information out of him as
possible so they can develop a good plan for their
business. Of course, not everything the speaker has to
say will work but there are some good morsels there
for the picking to be sure.
Then it happens-it's the "anti-packer guy". This ole
boy gets on his high horse and, regardless of whether
the question fits into the topic of conversation that
night, asks the speaker the question that turns the
educational event into a bounty hunt. "Yeah, but.." the
question usually begins, "All this wouldn't be
necessary if the packers would give us what we deserve
and if the government would just guarantee us a free
enterprise market."
Let's take a look at that philosophy. The standard
Merriam-Webster dictionary defines "free enterprise"
as follows: freedom of private business to organize and
operate for profit in a competitive system.