My fence has been shorted for a couple of weeks ( still had 3,000 volts ) and I got around to fixing it this morning.
I used the tester and kept opening runs till I found the bad one ( about 1/2 mile ) and drove it on the golf cart three times and still could not find the problem.
I had one spot I had to get off and walk a short distance - - -the third time I finally eleminated all but the top wire and finally found the problem.
Up close
The second wire was not shorted but replaced both insulators anyway!
I normally find the problems first time down a fence - - - I guess old age is slowing me down!
I used the tester and kept opening runs till I found the bad one ( about 1/2 mile ) and drove it on the golf cart three times and still could not find the problem.

I had one spot I had to get off and walk a short distance - - -the third time I finally eleminated all but the top wire and finally found the problem.

Up close

The second wire was not shorted but replaced both insulators anyway!
I normally find the problems first time down a fence - - - I guess old age is slowing me down!