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How stupid are you?


Well-known member
Feb 10, 2005
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The Blamer-in-Chief is still at it. Just this week, he appeared on the Tom Joyner radio show and he's still trying to blame President Bush for his own bad policy decisions.

In an interview with radio host Tom Joyner on Tuesday morning, President Obama engaged in a bit of blame-game politics.

Asked by Joyner about the current struggling state of the economy, Obama replied: “George Bush left us a $1 trillion deficit, and so it’s a lot harder to climb out of this hole when we don’t have a lot of money in the federal coffers.”

Will this President ever mature enough to accept responsibility and act like a leader?

Is this the type of person that you want to lead this country?
hypocritexposer said:
obama must have forgot that he voted for that deficit spending in 2008.

Did he vote :? or was he already out on the campaign trail lieing to people in hopes they would hire/vote for him to clean up the problem the Democrat controled House and Senate were making? Better question did he ever actually vote on anything or did he just vote PRESENT to avoid having to make a decision on an issue? :?

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