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How to tell if a mare is pregnant?

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Yep, I do it all the time, but I just use a hair out of the tail to tie the nail with. If the nail doesn't move then she's not in foal, if the nail moves then she is in foal. The circular or back and forth movement is 'suppost' to predict gender of the foal... back & forth is suppost to be a colt, circular is filly.
The nail directions didn't work for me though to determine gender.
well it moved, but in like a figure 8 kinda which was weird. so what would that indicate colt or filly? Question. The mares starting to act weird. She's isolating herself from the other mares, and she's being kinda luvvy towards me which is weird, b/c before she always went to the back of her stall pinned her ears straight back, or ran to the back of the pasture. Now she doesn't want to leave my side, and she fights for my attention. The vets coming out today hopefully she doesn't call n cancel.
She's pregnant. The vet came out last night to give her and our other mare a once over and some shots. The vet was pushing on her belly pretty hard she said with out a doubt she's pregnant. Then she had me n my lil sis come over and put our hands on the bottom of her belly and it was kicking really hard. I'm sooo excited now. Thanks everybody

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