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Their side of the story to support their agenda. I don't like their agenda - it puts my livelihood and the very existance of my hometown in jeopardy.
A shrinking less competitive beef industry, loss of packing plants and greater consolidation is going to help your hometown?

R-Calf is against these things, yet their agenda is causing this.....hmmmm.....think, "long term" it is interesting once you try it!
Cattleman said:
A shrinking less competitive beef industry, loss of packing plants and greater consolidation is going to help your hometown?

R-Calf is against these things, yet their agenda is causing this.....hmmmm.....think, "long term" it is interesting once you try it!

No, what could completely kill the industry here and with it my community and job would be their ability to move low cost unmarked beef from anywhere in the world to US markets.

Cattleman, you need to think a little longer term here.... The Packers are doing whatever they can (including setting up "informative websites") so that they can move beef from where it is cheaper to where the highest price is paid. Don't just take my word for it, check out things yourself. They are establishing themselves around the globe, pushing for barrier dropping "free" trade, and fighting COOL. Thier plan is not devious, just sound business strategy.

How is this agenda going to affect you if they can tap into South America to buy beef cheaper than what they can buy it from you for, ship all of what they can sell up here, and then market it under a USDA stamp, hiding from the US consumers where that beef actually came from? Would that be beneficial to your business?
I agree with a bit of what you say Sandhusker, BUT what do any of these worries have to do with the Canadian beef and the border issue!!!!

Canada is your competitor for high quality grain fed beef! South America is in a different market and they can wipe both the US and Canada out if we have to compete directly with them. Your current policy is assisting your competitor (Canada) get stronger meanwhile making your industry weaker and more vulnerable to all the global competitors!!!

Actually, I pretty much disagree with most of what you say accept that Brazil is a worrisome competitor. So why don't you/we put energy into strengthening our position against them versus fighting amongst one another.
Exactly. It's been two years today since the border closed. We're still standing, and it looks like we just may not go away, whether R-Calf likes it or not. :shock:

Wouldn't it be better to work together to address the issues that affect producers on both sides of the border than to dismantle a hundred year relationship that has worked, whether R-Calf likes it or not?
Kato said:
Exactly. It's been two years today since the border closed. We're still standing, and it looks like we just may not go away, whether R-Calf likes it or not. :shock:

Wouldn't it be better to work together to address the issues that affect producers on both sides of the border than to dismantle a hundred year relationship that has worked, whether R-Calf likes it or not?

AMEN :cowboy:
I don't think we would be strengthening our position by accepting a border opening as it has been presented. Actually, I think it would be very dangerous to do so. It's not as simple as a matter of which side of the 49th that cattle are slaughtered on as some would lead you to believe. There's a lot of baggage along with the deal that is not bring presented by the AMI.

Consider that accepting this deal would mean that we would have lower beef importation laws than a whole list of countries, one of them being Egypt. Cattleman, Egypt is a third-world country. How can we expect to be viewed as the world's leader in beef if our standards are below third-world countries? We're trying to tell the world to buy our expensive product on quality reasons and at the same time we accept beef that Egypt won't take? The AMI "forgot" to mention this on their website.

What about the huge investment this country has made to try to provide US consumers with the world's highest quality product? We've invested billions into having the best food supply in the world, accepting the border deal now means a good deal of those funds were wasted as we would be gut-shooting our previous efforts.

Accepting the border deal would mean acceptance of the USDA's policy of catering to the AMI. It would mean you are OK with the notion that long standing policy destined to keep you and your herd healthy can be amended when said policy becomes a burden on the AMI member's checkbook.

Finally it would mean you see no problem with a governmental agency instituting far reaching policy without first doing the proper due diligence and/or ignoring the due diligence they had done.

I see the AMI's website to be just like the drug commericials you see on TV, except they don't have to make any mention of side effects. Believe me, Cattleman, there are plenty of side effects.

By the way, what don't you agree with me on about the packers agenda? Is it their growing investments abroad, their standing on free trade, their position on COOL?
We are importing more tonnage than before the BSE deal closed the border.......what is your point? WE HAVE LOST OVER 6000 JOBS in the MEAT PACKING INDUSTRY....FACT!!!!!!!!!!!!! OUR BIGGEST WORRY IS FMD,AG TERRORISM, and CERTIFIED ANGUS BEEF may not be ANGUS!! :roll: I cannot believe we are worrying about the little things and forgetting the real world. IF your great NE football coaches coached their team in the last 20 years like R-Calf and NCBA are coaching the Cattle Industry the would drop the KICK OFF! :D
Until the USDA does things right, we should be importing the same from Canada as we are from everybody else who has BSE. That will save those jobs you're so concerned about.
How about being a world leader for once Sandhusker?? The new rules say open the border to beef with countries that have low risk of BSE.

It is scary how much you are relying on the fact that BSE will never be found or released to the Media, consumers and the rest of the world!!!!!
That is a scary assumption when you face the facts of the North American Beef market!!

Sandhusker, I may have agreed in principle to some things, but not the means you are taking supporting opposite agenda's, that are not helping your concerns. And making your problems bigger.
Sandhusker said:
Until the USDA does things right, we should be importing the same from Canada as we are from everybody else who has BSE. That will save those jobs you're so concerned about.

"There is none so blind as he who will not see . . ."

Sandhusker, what you don't seem to take into account is that those jobs can no longer be saved, THEY ARE GONE (at least 6000 of them).

And do you need someone to explain to you exactly why those jobs left your country?

"No I don't" says Sandhusker. "it was those damned Democrats and the NCBA." :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Sandhusker said:
Until the USDA does things right, we should be importing the same from Canada as we are from everybody else who has BSE. That will save those jobs you're so concerned about.

Just keep it that way and everybody else in the world will treat you the same. Funny how you want one set of rules when you are importing but a different set of rules when you are exporting. Must be the standard R-CALF double talk again. :roll:
Cattleman, "How about being a world leader for once Sandhusker?? The new rules say open the border to beef with countries that have low risk of BSE."

We have been the leader many times. Let's review;

1) We showed leadership by allowing certain levels of hormones in our beef - Europe followed our leadership how?

2) We have shown leadership by taking Canadian boxed beef for a year and a half - Japan, Korea, etc... have followed that leadership in what way?

3) We have showed leadership by proposing certain SRM's be removed from Canadian cattle - our customers have followed with what requirements?

I think it's pretty clear nobody is looking to us for leadership.
I bet you are a worshipper of Lou Dobbs! Let's see in the past 24 months how many US citizens have died from eating Canadian BEEF????
NONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ZERO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ZIPPO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I really wish you Canadians would work on your bourbon.......It is pretty hard to beat Kentucky Sour Mash, but I know you can do it!!!! Oh Yes, You folks up North are welcome, If we are gonna send 6000 jobs to anybody I am glad we kept it in the Northern Hemisphere. At least we all speak the same language and dress alike!!!
The bottom line is either the BSE precautionary measures that Canada and the U.S. have taken assure beef safety or they don't because there is no difference.

It's that simple!

All the political spin by R-CULT to keep the border closed to Canadian live cattle that are now coming down in boxes will not change that.

If we have another case of BSE in the U.S. and it was not traced to Canada, R-CULT would pretend that we have taken additional safety measures that assure the safety of our beef that Canada has not taken or they would simply "JOHN KERRY" it by hoping everyone forgets what their position was yesterday with Canada.

R-CULT members are hypocrites of the finest order. They have taken deception to a level never seen before in this industry.


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