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Hypo, Can You Watch and Get Back to Me?


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2007
Reaction score
Hypo, since you live in the city and have a great internet connection, will you watch this video and get back to me on what it is about? I will have to wait until I go to the library and my truck isn't starting today.


Tex said:
Hypo, since you live in the city and have a great internet connection, will you watch this video and get back to me on what it is about? I will have to wait until I go to the library and my truck isn't starting today.



I actually saw this yesterday. It's Bernie Sanders talking about how the Koch Brothers are trying to destroy SS.

More class warfare propaganda from the socialist member.
A gradual increase in the SS retirement age has been proposed by both Dems and Repubs alike.

Might be a better idea than bankruptcy.
lightninboy said:
hypocritexposer lives in the city.

And the problem with that is?????????????????

We have no idea where you live, or if you really exist!!!
Mike said:
A gradual increase in the SS retirement age has been proposed by both Dems and Repubs alike.

Might be a better idea than bankruptcy.

I think there needs to be a hike in the amount taxed for SS, not the retirement age. Big money isn't behind that idea, they want to keep more people in the labor pool until later in life and not have to pay SS on investment earnings.

I think both dems and repubs follow the money way too much for the health of the country and most of the people in it. They cater to who is paying them off and so does the media and the think tanks the uber rich are paying off.

The bad thing about SS now is that it is not providing a surplus for politicians to plunder and stick an IOU in the "lock box".

I have said this before, but I don't think there should be capital gains tax on any investment income up to the amount that SS income stops being taxed. There is no reason why we shouldn't encourage people to invest for themselves and their own retirement. After that amount, tax investment income as if it were regular income with no tax break for the uber rich.

SS isn't going broke, but it will be another fleecing of the average citizen if the Kochs have anything to do with it. They are just trying to spin the discussion so they don't have to be taxed more.

If you haven't noticed, hypo, there is a class warfare going on and the average citizen isn't winning. It is one of the reasons we are not pulling out of this current recession.

You just aren't going to hear that on TV because no one is paying for the truth---except the average American-- including service men and women. It is all about the spin.

lightninboy said:
hypocritexposer lives in the city.
And????? I bet I live in a smaller town than you .................HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA sorry couldnt resist.
Yes hypo did try and keep where he lived a secret for a long time but that was due to people judging based on where someone lives.
really I do wish these people would just use thier first nickname ...it gets old trying to keep up and everyone knows based on how and what they attack, who they are.

Sorry didnt mean to hyjack .............. back to lurking
MsSage said:
lightninboy said:
hypocritexposer lives in the city.
And????? I bet I live in a smaller town than you .................HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA sorry couldnt resist.
Yes hypo did try and keep where he lived a secret for a long time but that was due to people judging based on where someone lives.
really I do wish these people would just use thier first nickname ...it gets old trying to keep up and everyone knows based on how and what they attack, who they are.

Sorry didnt mean to hyjack .............. back to lurking

No, I am just upset because I can't get a good internet connection for our family!!!

Tex wrote:
I have said this before, but I don't think there should be capital gains tax on any investment income up to the amount that SS income stops being taxed. There is no reason why we shouldn't encourage people to invest for themselves and their own retirement. After that amount, tax investment income as if it were regular income with no tax break for the uber rich.

Tex, the taxation of capital gains at a lower rate has a good justification. If you purchased a capital asset for $1000 twenty-five years ago and sold it today for $2000, you would get dinged for $150 in capital gains tax even though you suffered a real loss of more than half of the purchasing power of the original investment,

Also, if you purchased an asset for $100,000 twenty-five years ago and sold it for $200,000 today, you would be liable for $15,000 in Capital Gains even though you lost purchasing power. BUT, if you had the misfortune to buy, say, GM stock for $100,000 twenty-five years ago and got wiped out by Obama as the stock became worthless, guess what. You would only get to deduct $3,000 per year for 30+ years.

Of course, in the latter cased, you would be able to use the loss against subsequent capital gains.

Unfortunatgely, everything in the tax code has a bit of underlying logic for its existence. Unless we completely get rid of the IRS code and replace it from scratch, everyone will be up in arms.

Indeed, we have become nation of takers, gimme, gimme, gimme.

Just think, today it was announced that there are 44,000,000 million americans on food stamps!!!

All the average American can do is understand the tax code and bend his finances accordingly.

Dang Tex you should be able to get good connection. Mine is pretty good NOT great but I can watch videos. Need to upgrade memory so i dont have to reboot after 3 but I will soon enough ...
Tex, have you ever looked into "line of sight" internet?

I used to have it when I was living in the rural areas, and it was the greatest.
Oldgoat said:
Tex wrote:
I have said this before, but I don't think there should be capital gains tax on any investment income up to the amount that SS income stops being taxed. There is no reason why we shouldn't encourage people to invest for themselves and their own retirement. After that amount, tax investment income as if it were regular income with no tax break for the uber rich.

Tex, the taxation of capital gains at a lower rate has a good justification. If you purchased a capital asset for $1000 twenty-five years ago and sold it today for $2000, you would get dinged for $150 in capital gains tax even though you suffered a real loss of more than half of the purchasing power of the original investment,

Also, if you purchased an asset for $100,000 twenty-five years ago and sold it for $200,000 today, you would be liable for $15,000 in Capital Gains even though you lost purchasing power. BUT, if you had the misfortune to buy, say, GM stock for $100,000 twenty-five years ago and got wiped out by Obama as the stock became worthless, guess what. You would only get to deduct $3,000 per year for 30+ years.

Of course, in the latter cased, you would be able to use the loss against subsequent capital gains.

Unfortunatgely, everything in the tax code has a bit of underlying logic for its existence. Unless we completely get rid of the IRS code and replace it from scratch, everyone will be up in arms.

Indeed, we have become nation of takers, gimme, gimme, gimme.

Just think, today it was announced that there are 44,000,000 million americans on food stamps!!!

All the average American can do is understand the tax code and bend his finances accordingly.


I agree with you, oldgoat. Having been a mortgage broker, the time value of money is never far from my mind.

Having said that, why haven't wages been indexed with inflation? Can businesses, through deterioration of bargaining power, deflate the wages faster than the rate of inflation or the gains of the uber rich to where they control a larger percent of the economy?

Indeed, that is what has happened.

Yes, Walmart has brought lower prices to many parts of the country, but by relying so much on foreign supplies for their goods, they have capitalized on the currency manipulation that China has engaged in over the past two decades. Now the taxpayer owes the Chinese communist government over a trillion dollars in Treasuries. This came at the expense of the suppliers here in America and their bargaining power.

There are reasons for all of these things and many of them play differently on different levels. Some of what I say is meant to bring a bigger understanding on the often conflicting strategies of the different levels.

We have had huge trade deficits because we have had incompetent politicians who can't manage the strategic interests of the United States (does anyone thing China having a trillion dollars in our IOUS that your kids have to pay is strategic while we give tax breaks to the uber rich so they don't have to pay it?) As an example of levels, on a different level or plane, the fact that China does have a trillion dollars in our debt makes them a "stakeholder".

I don't have a problem with trade with the Chinese as long as it is balanced. It is not. They have had their discount here in the U.S thanks to Walmart's (and others) policy of "free trade". They need to open up (stop manipulating their currency) so that the Chinese people can buy our goods, not just the Chinese government going and buying raw materials around the world and asking to buy the best military equipment.

Oldgoat, because of the time value of money, every investment decision should take into account the time value of money and tax policy. None of us should be fooled by the slow and gradual inflationary or deflationary climate of our country (I will guarantee you that the smart people are not).

You have to admit, old goat, that most of the capital assets (excluding land) have been depreciated already so the tax was decreased on that depreciation was already written off. For land extensive industries like cattle and farming, there does need to be different rules for capital gains. I don't like the mixing of the Koch brother's depreciatable assets with non depreciable assets that farmers and ranchers have. It allows one to write off costs and the other not to write them off and this goes to your point directly.

hypocritexposer said:
Tex, have you ever looked into "line of sight" internet?

I used to have it when I was living in the rural areas, and it was the greatest.

We have looked up EVERYTHING. There are newer options coming on all the time and our air card is much better than our land line connection but with more than one person needing the internet at a time in our house, the air card just isn't enough, nor is it fast enough. I will look specifically into line of sight since you mentioned it and we are kind of up on a hill. Thanks.


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