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I can't believe it!!!!

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the_jersey_lilly_2000 said:
only in the winter time.....jan thru march this year we seen over 70 inches....then it stopped...n got dry...n I aint ever had one on my front porch...but have in the stock tanks. not many..but the occasional "lost" gator from lake conroe

I kind of had to chuckle when I read that 70 inches-- to date up here from Jan 1 we've had 7.3 (seven and 3 tenths) inches-- and we think we're having a really good year with good grass and incredible hay crops-- must have all came at the right time :D :D

70 inches- I'd be floating down the Missouri right now about to St. Jo- :lol: :lol:
Don't even ask where all that 70 inches went, cuz I have no idea..I know durin that time it's like goin to the mud drags ever time we check cows...puttin out hay is slip slidin around.....it's a mess....but it don't take long for it to dry up once it really warms up down here.
Every year I tell myself I'm gonna keep track of all the rain..just to see how much rain we do git in a whole year...but long about march or first of april I'm so sick of the rain that I give up n quit checkin the rain guage.
the_jersey_lilly_2000 said:
Don't even ask where all that 70 inches went, cuz I have no idea..I know durin that time it's like goin to the mud drags ever time we check cows...puttin out hay is slip slidin around.....it's a mess....but it don't take long for it to dry up once it really warms up down here.
Every year I tell myself I'm gonna keep track of all the rain..just to see how much rain we do git in a whole year...but long about march or first of april I'm so sick of the rain that I give up n quit checkin the rain guage.

There is some place on the internet where they post rainfall totals for our state regions. Bet TX has a BIG site with data. It might be the stream water quality folks, the farmers or parks that do it? I think it is the stream water folks... :?
Just got back from Austin yesterday. It actually sprinkled on the windshield on the way back. Got further north and the wind picked up, but no rain. Got home and nothing but hot, sticky weather. We are only down about 10 inches of rain on average for this year. They are giving us a 30% chance of rain again today. I believe it is a government conspiracy with the weather bureau to keep us from complaining about the muggy weather so much. Probably Bush's and Rumsfield's fault.
Casa Paloma said:
Just got back from Austin yesterday. It actually sprinkled on the windshield on the way back. Got further north and the wind picked up, but no rain. Got home and nothing but hot, sticky weather. We are only down about 10 inches of rain on average for this year. They are giving us a 30% chance of rain again today. I believe it is a government conspiracy with the weather bureau to keep us from complaining about the muggy weather so much. Probably Bush's and Rumsfield's fault.

So, THAT'S where you have been hiding!!! :eek: Been missing your wit and humor, Casa...welcome back!!!!
TXTibbs said:
ya know i would...but the damndest thing....i threw my back out just today so won't be dancing for a while :wink: :wink: :wink:

Or sounds like a good excuse right??? :???:
Tex - Contact a GOOD Dr. of Chiropractic - make certain that he takes X-ays (unless he already has an X-ray record of your spine.)

DOC, can't a body hurt without a chiropractic having to check it? Serously wondering if you think a chiropractic is always necessary. Sometimes, I think ,rest is enough.
Sierraman said:
DOC, can't a body hurt without a chiropractic having to check it? Serously wondering if you think a chiropractic is always necessary. Sometimes, I think ,rest is enough.
Your question is somewhat like asking the Choir Director if he needs a Bass section! You could break an arm, slap some adobe mud on it for three or four weeks and rest and . . . it probably would work after a fashion.
OldDog/NewTricks said:
Contact a GOOD Dr. of Chiropractic -

Where would you find a "Good One"? In 50 years of looking I've never Seen or Heard of a Good One - - All Quacks :!:

I don't know what chiropractors you've run into, but I've known some good ones....

I've posted this before- but awhile back my shoulder was so bad I couldn't even lift my arm to comb my hair- Doctor told me I would need to see the Orthopedic Surgeon and probably need surgery... In talking with a friend, he mentioned he'd had the same problem cleared up by a chiropractor-- so I had a chiropractor look at it-- altho he agreed I have some arthritis in my joint, my biggest problem was a vertabrae out between my shoulder blades-- Popped that back in- two treatments on my shoulder- $50- and like a new man...I can do anything I want now, rope, throw the grandkid in the air, do jumping jacks :lol: And it was sure a lot nicer and cheaper than going under the knife :wink:
Even straightened out my stiff neck- called it "farmers neck" or something like that.....
Now, I didn't mean chiropractics were no good, just not always necessary. The bass section doesn't always sing. Just when notes and words appear in the bass line.
Faster horses said:
I think 'farmers neck' is caused from looking back at machinery you are pulling...

during haying season, the hubby goes to his chiropractor a few times a month to get this very problem taken care of....doc said the same thing about the cause...even with the best placed mirrors, you are almost constantly looking back at "where you've been"!! :shock:

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