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I need good suggestions on

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I'm just teasin' with you. Those gals sound like a good catch with good morals. Ya still might wanna tell the fellows to wear something other than their riding boots in case they feel the need to run.
BAR BAR 2 said:
I'm just teasin' with you. Those gals sound like a good catch with good morals. Ya still might wanna tell the fellows to wear something other than their riding boots in case they feel the need to run.

I know ya was.... :twisted: ....
Why can't they just come to a party at your house and play pictionary? I know it sounds stupid but I have seen people really enjoy the game and then, sort of, determine if a person is a good one for their own circle. It may or may not evolve into something else but, at least, they have met another person that they can call a friend.
flcowgirl5491 said:
Why can't they just come to a party at your house and play pictionary? I know it sounds stupid but I have seen people really enjoy the game and then, sort of, determine if a person is a good one for their own circle. It may or may not evolve into something else but, at least, they have met another person that they can call a friend.

They might even get to know each other better if they played Strip Poker. :wink: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Or Spin the bottle. :D
Big Muddy rancher said:
flcowgirl5491 said:
Why can't they just come to a party at your house and play pictionary? I know it sounds stupid but I have seen people really enjoy the game and then, sort of, determine if a person is a good one for their own circle. It may or may not evolve into something else but, at least, they have met another person that they can call a friend.

They might even get to know each other better if they played Strip Poker. :wink: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Or Spin the bottle. :D

I want to be on the invite list !!
You folks are a (hoot), No dang wonder I gotta check this forum every time I come in close to the pc !!! 101

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