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I quit

Big Muddy rancher

Well-known member
Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
Big Muddy valley
2920 bales,ouch

Been a great hay crop, Record amounts here at the ranch and at our place by Big Beaver. We also had hay to put up at my sons place.

Happy for the hay but am glad to be done baling and cutting and raking.
A big Thanks goes out to my Dad for giving me a hand on the rake, the last 2 days with the wind we have had made it so we had to bale right behind the rake. Tough to do that alone.

Whew :D

Now I got start hauling. :(
Good work BMR. If we could keep this climatic pattern you would need more cows or less acres. :shock: I suspect our southern friends would rather not see another year like this one. :?
Mental note - never buy a used baler from BMR...
Way to go. We finished a much smaller hay crop on Sunday, thanks to a neighbour's 30 year old spare tire for the John Deere and another neighbour's Gehl baler axle out of the junk pile.
Now the JD is apart with a rad leak that limped through haying (reinstalled now) and a fuel tank drip that should be done welding and ready for reinstall today. On second thought, maybe our tractor would be a good fit for your used baler.
The nice part about our crop share hay is that we don't have to haul. Once they are baled, they magically appear in our yard :D .
I had a BMR with the old style pickup, not good, stuffers broke down in the middle. Have a new one with the better stuffer and time will tell. Have 1400 one it and no issues yet.

Glad to hear. It must be nice to be done. We had a year like that last year. How are you stacking your bales? Any bale grazing?
Gomez said:
Glad to hear. It must be nice to be done. We had a year like that last year. How are you stacking your bales? Any bale grazing?

Since I have close to 1,000 bales of last years hay that I bought never anticipating such a bumper crop I think I will row up the 700 bales at town for a reserve to haul home next year. I have around 300 here at the ranch that had some fox tail that I think i will concentrate on the fox tail patches and bale graze them in hope of getting the fertility up on that ground.
The rest will be pyramid stacked in 2 separate yards.
I usually don't have this problem but it's a nice one to have. :D
Good thing you're done- as the radar looks like thunder showers heading your way...
We have a 70% chance of rain this evening- which we really don't need as everyone is just getting ready to start second cutting- and a lot of combining going on...
Congrats on the hay BMR. I thought we were done a week ago with the greenfeed and all as there was a guy wanting to buy our last 100 acres of oats standing in the field for silage. But he only wanted to pay .5 cents per pound so I guess we'll keep it. Looks like that crop will go 3 1/2 tons per acre dry so we will end up with somewhere north of 4000 bales. Got over 1500 moved now but it still looks like a daunting task.
Maybe we'll just graze some hayfields next year. :D
With that big a carryover I'd use the foxtail for windbreaks and wouldn't risk feeding it-we got in a bad wreck with it one year and cost us several cattle.By the time the vet pinned it down it was too late so just had to let it run its course.
gcreekrch said:
It's too early to quit. You can haul on the frost and come here for a month's sojern.

Good feeling to be done.
Gcreek knows where of what he speaks. Not only that but you could also learn a new skill... baling on the frost! :!: Stop by here for lunch on the way by.
Northern Rancher said:
With that big a carryover I'd use the foxtail for windbreaks and wouldn't risk feeding it-we got in a bad wreck with it one year and cost us several cattle.By the time the vet pinned it down it was too late so just had to let it run its course.
What does Foxtail do?
jedstivers said:
Northern Rancher said:
With that big a carryover I'd use the foxtail for windbreaks and wouldn't risk feeding it-we got in a bad wreck with it one year and cost us several cattle.By the time the vet pinned it down it was too late so just had to let it run its course.
What does Foxtail do?

it can pack in the cheeks and throat causing lump jaw and difficulty swallowing.
This foxtail that I am dealing with wasn't real heavy and green which I think is the worst to deal with. I think the cows will pick trough this hay some and it won't be a big issue. I hope. :?
does shredding it help or just disguise the problem. i had some rough awn,hailed on barley given to me last year, round baled it and shred it , didn't have any problems but sure didn't want to feed it in a feeder or just unrolled. i think foxtail and rough awns would be about the same
hayguy said:
does shredding it help or just disguise the problem. i had some rough awn,hailed on barley given to me last year, round baled it and shred it , didn't have any problems but sure didn't want to feed it in a feeder or just unrolled. i think foxtail and rough awns would be about the same

One fellow told me his cows preferred to have it rolled out so they could pick around it rather then shredded. :?

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