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Indian arrowheads, fossils and artifacts

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Well-known member
Feb 10, 2005
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Starting this to separate it out from Juan's flying trashcan lids, Haymaker's softwear problems, Soap's dust problems, Ranchwife's sailing truck problems...fun seeing how these threads change.
But lets talk about arrowheads etc and hope R-Calf doesn't work its way in. :wink:
Our Minnesota great grandparents collected arrowheads ,a few, but they've been dispersed to the great great grandchildren. I've looked in the woods behind us but guess the Unami Indians didn't waste their shots. My understanding was they were often in the creekbeds where animals went for water but that doesn't sound like what you're describing. Were these battle sights?

A Danish fellow gave me some stone knife blades about 3-4 inches he found in a certain area of Denmark. They are made of a hard very white stone that goes "clink" when knocked together. Flint? I believe he said they were from the Iron Age.
nr said:
Starting this to separate it out from Juan's flying trashcan lids, Haymaker's softwear problems, Soap's dust problems, Ranchwife's sailing truck problems...fun seeing how these threads change.
But lets talk about arrowheads etc and hope R-Calf doesn't work its way in. :wink:
Our Minnesota great grandparents collected arrowheads ,a few, but they've been dispersed to the great great grandchildren. I've looked in the woods behind us but guess the Unami Indians didn't waste their shots. My understanding was they were often in the creekbeds where animals went for water but that doesn't sound like what you're describing. Were these battle sights?

A Danish fellow gave me some stone knife blades about 3-4 inches he found in a certain area of Denmark. They are made of a hard very white stone that goes "clink" when knocked together. Flint? I believe he said they were from the Iron Age.

Sorry nr but I would like to see a few arrow heads in some R-CALF BUTTS :wink:
If you are in a wooded area everything becomes buried over time.Try to find a campsite,like a dry and sheltered spot near a water source.You may find a spot where the soil has washed away leaving some evidence.If you ever find a spot use a rake and shovel to disturb the soil then comeback after a rain!
BMr---Flint is a rather generic term,Geologists use the term"chert" to describe these various types of rock.What you have is probably a very fine grained quartzite.
I have a few arrow heads that I have put into a sort of display. They are of interest to a few peole here mostly those of Indian decent.

I don't know much about arrow heads but these were left by Indains tha t proceeded the Sious that are here today. I don't thnk the Sioux ever mad them. I believ those in the know can determine the era when they were made, by the shape etc. I think they can also get a fair idea from where the stone they were made of came from.

While I have found a few myself, most of what I have, my Dad found them while farming, back when he used horses. In the early spring after the snow has melted, or after a rain or even wind, (wind like we have here today) arrowheads sometimes show up. At one time we had a coffe can about 1/2 full of them, a few whole and complete but many just pieces. There were also stone chipe and some small scraping tools.

When I was in school one boy brought a cigar box full of spear heads that they had found in the field. The teacher gave him $2 for them. I sa this fellow 12 or so years agao agin, he mentioned selling these arrow heads 50 or so years before, said he wished he had them today. Anyway our teacher took all us school kides to the site where he found them, We were a small one room rural scholl so there were only a handful of us, this time w found one more spear head. These spear heads were gray or black about 3 1/2 inches long and about 2 inches wide. I have a few pieces on spear heads but don't think I have any that are whole.

AS for dinosurs, check out the Rancher's Net home page. Under faith, SD
check out Tyrannosaurus Rex. If this interests you, there is at least one book about this. Last fall I picked up this book by Steve Fiffer. named Tyrannosaurus Sue. It tells of the Larson bros. ordeal when they found this dinosaur.

I do not know Pete or Neal Larson but I know their Dad and one of their brothers so I am a litttle bias about what happened.
We don't have winds here like you do. Our hills just keep getting covered with piles of leaves and only erode where folks walk through. But I'll try doing a little digging.

Too bad they moved your T.Rex Sue from her home in South Dakota. Sad how history of places gets sold and stolen away.

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