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Interesting Colt

Northern Rancher

Well-known member
Feb 10, 2005
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Ty bought a pretty nice blue roan six year old that was supposed to be a touch broncy. He's been working him the last few days-he will tolerate absolutely anything from a rope you can rope his feet and pick them up-rope his head basically dead quiet to it. With a saddle he's another story-the first days he'd buck the blanket off but Ty has him so he'll stand quiet to saddle and such but still the horse pretty unsure about it all. I'm thinking previous it was a battle instead of a partnership with him-slow process but there's a good horse under it all.

here you go Jersey Lilly-he's coming along-you can step up on either side of him now at the start he'd buck off the saddle blanket. Pretty soon time to swing a leg over.
Man he sure is a looker! Hope he will turn out for you guys.
Is he from the Leachman stock? Always said I'd like to buy one of their horses.
He is Hancock bred but not from Leachman's directly-Ty has a blue roan fromleachman's that is pretty fancy looking. There are three blacks-two red roans and one bay.
Love the Hancock,King,Poco bred horses! I'd like to get another good cow horse! All mine are more pleasures horses except the old one he was used penning some and has been roped off of. Owned a good King bred horse once ill try to post his ped later for all you horse fanciers to critique.
That is a fine looking youngster. I'm glad Ty is able to make something
of him. He sure doesn't look like a bronc. Seems that most of the
Hancock horses that are broncy, look it. Wow, he's really stout
made. Since he's six years old, it's good Ty has lots of riding
for him. I really hope he turns out to be a good one!

Like you indicated, I suspect his problems were man-made.
He's from a calf roper and is really wary out of his right eye-I'm thinking they tried him too soon and tried to bully him around. I bought a big black gelding that like that from a team roper-once we started over he was fine.There are lots of cows and miles here.
I ride a gelding that goes back to hancock 9 times and king 8 times. He's a gentle giant. The only problem I have with him is getting my foot into the stirrup. He stands 16-2.
I've still not found my horses old reg papers. If I'm not mistaken he was out of Aledo Joe five if anyone is familiar with that stud.
That's a really nice lookin' horse. He appears to be fairly small for a six year old though, unless Ty is taller than I think he is. That's not necessarily a criticism because the older I get, the more appealing shorter horses become!

It sounds like you've identified his problems and if Ty can work through them, he'll have a nice horse. Just give him a steady job with plenty of miles and patience. Don't push him too hard in a tight spot before he's ready for it.
We'll just use him on moves etc till he gets comfortable with us. He is just an average size horse but real quick. Doesn't look like he'd throw alot of power when he bucks but we'll try and avoid finding out lol.

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