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It seems that Gov. Schweitzer’s plan may be back firing!

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Border rancher

Well-known member
Apr 3, 2005
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Ab.- Mt. border
Great Falls farm news commentator stated this AM:

1. Montana Stock Growers thank Gov. S. for his interest in protecting Montana cattle producers.

2. Montana law cannot legislate inspection of cattle travelling through Montana, just those going to MT. destinations.

3. Cattle travelling to a Montana destination are mostly owned by the Montana feeders/speculators who purchased those cattle in Canada and now want to get them to the US to feed/sell or whatever.

4. Estimated cost to the exporter of the cattle (who would also be the importer in this situation) would be about 5.00 US (over and above the costs already in place).

There was more but I was too tired to get my recorder so had just my sleepy memory to rely on.

However, this is how I feel about it!

Wouldn't it be ironic if the R CALF members that paid a little more for our feeder cattle in the last 2 years than Canadian feedlots could (or would) didn't make any money (or lost money) on the ones they sold here, and now they have to pay a surcharge for the testing that R CALF (the organization) is supporting just to get those cattle home?

A saying I have heard my Canadian friends and neighbours use often regarding the US protectionists has been "What goes around, comes around"

As I have said in other posts, I (and most of my neighbours) think that those protectionists will PAY either:

1. For repercussions from practically spitting in the face of what we are led to believe is the most powerful government in the world.

2. By losing export markets when and if Canada can follow through with plans to become self sufficient by developing new plants and testing as is required by any foreign customers. (Oh, I forgot! R CALF doesn't want or need export markets!)

3. By having to deal with the results of their actions when the US industry fully realizes the damage caused by the R CALF agenda and by other like thinking individuals who support the same ideas. Maybe those individuals won't have quite so many friends as before and maybe organizations like R CALF won't have many members!

4. If none of the above happen maybe those people might just be punished by having to watch as the Canadian producer finally gets a share of the beef profits that those in the US have been enjoying for the past 2 years, 2 months and 2 days!
Now that would be funny! Just goes to show how self-serving polititians can screw up the carefully laid plans of self-serving losers like r-culters. They really deserve each other. Sweitzer and r-cult should form a Montana Losers Club. Way too funny for a Monday! :D :D :D
I am left to wonder where are all the bigmouth r-cult drones? What a bunch of losers. Western Canada had a rich-mans farm "group" who liked to make a lot of noise. Just like R-cult, they painted themselves into a corner with their big mouths and no longer exist. Maybe when the small ranchers who support r-cult realise their donations are being pissed away, they'll get wise and tell r-cult to take a hike.

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