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January 27, 28, and 29, 2013

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Feb 11, 2005
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northern Nebraska Sandhills

Windmill in the golden glow of late afternoon

Closer view

The windbreak fell apart in the last high wind.

Drifting in for their daily dose

A little snow in the air

Hay, this is good stuff.

Spearhead brand shows up in the snow

Cows on the move

Nice two inch snow arrived during last night

2012 replacement heifer calves in their winter surroundings

They seem to be doing well.

It's fun seeing them standing in mud. :-)

Almost a brockle face

Some of them are cycling, which is a good sign.

A knife that Sparky just made. It will be auctioned off at the Sandhills Area Foudation winter supper, February 23rd, with all proceeds
going to the scholarship fund. There will be many items at this auction, with something for everyone. This event will be held in Valentine,
Nebraska at the fairgrounds.
Thanks for posting... Always enjoy your pictures. sure hope we all get those spring rains to get the grass going.
Hi Soapweed

This is Gods country Iam in the Comfort Inn in Valentine on way to Yuma for a month had a halibut steak and a beer in your steakhouse last night needed to cut the thirst rom salt in the food on way down.

660 miles since left the yard in south east sask traveling in motorhome had furnace running all the way cold we seem to be bringing with us sorry just ahead or behind the snow salt in places s getting white.

Black cattle grazing all over this is like south west Sask--don't see much hay piled up must be inthe dips lots of loaded hay trucks going south last 100 miles or so say from last east-west interstate from here south is all new to me driving.Sure noticed on radio prices on cattle lot higher down here.

Were abouts from here are you --sure like the knife what will it bring in the sale??

Will be back this way in a month something we planned on doing for sometime would be great to ranch here by the looks of it

Always enjoy your posts and pictures makes me feel like getting on a horse and riding .

To see who Iam www.belmoralangus.com

Take care have a nice day time for breakfast hosts here are great.
Welcome to "gods country", Blackhawk. I'm Soapweeds' neighbor to the northeast, and am a little over 100 miles north and a little west of Valentine and maybe a bit more than that to the northEAST of him.

We have stayed at that Comfort Inn and eaten at the Peppermill occasionally.Just guessing that is where you ate. Great places, and we like the little cafe down on the hiway to the south, too. Events taking us there have mostly been weddings, so family time and not so much taking in the local sights, except the western store is ALWAYS included.

Did you notice the great carved mural on that bank on mainstreet? We think that is fabulous and have taken so many photo's of it that we worried someone would think we were 'casing the place' for nefarious reasions!

We probably needed this cold spell to remind us it IS winter in western SD. Supposed to be considerably warmer daytimes the next few days, but pretty cold nights, in single digits forecast. It was -7% with a breeze resulting in feeling like -27% this morning. Some blowing snow, too, but later a beautifully sunny, if cold, day.

Have safe and fun travelling!


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