Well-known member

Windmill in the golden glow of late afternoon

Closer view

The windbreak fell apart in the last high wind.

Drifting in for their daily dose

A little snow in the air

Hay, this is good stuff.

Spearhead brand shows up in the snow

Cows on the move

Nice two inch snow arrived during last night

2012 replacement heifer calves in their winter surroundings

They seem to be doing well.

It's fun seeing them standing in mud.

Almost a brockle face

Some of them are cycling, which is a good sign.

A knife that Sparky just made. It will be auctioned off at the Sandhills Area Foudation winter supper, February 23rd, with all proceeds
going to the scholarship fund. There will be many items at this auction, with something for everyone. This event will be held in Valentine,
Nebraska at the fairgrounds.