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Japan and USDA

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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2005
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South East Kansas
Heard this morning on AgriTalk that USDA says Canada border opening has nothing to do with getting market back with Japan. The man said that the two are not linked and never had been linked.

I thought Scott, agman, and others have been telling us otherwise?
Sash...What 'man' would this be? Just because some 'guy' said it doesn't necessarily mean its true.

I said I heard it on AgriTalk. Mike Adams, the host, was talking to people from the USDA. I did not catch his name, but he works for the USDA. But I will find out his name and title at the USDA and you can check him out yourself Sash.
Tommy, could you go one step further and get the man's name in Japan, like to hear his opinion. all we've seen from the Japanese so far is 'action" or lack of!
Industry Question
Do you support mandatory testing for all cattle for BSE?

Yes 71.9%

No 28.1%

Total: 900 votes

POLL found in the ALBERTA BEEF Mag. . It would read the same if the BSE was found here in the states if that much BSE showed up.
The man's name is Floyd Gabler, Deputy Undersecretary for Farm and Foreign Agriculture at the USDA. He stated that getting the Japan market back was in no way tied to the opening of the Canadian border to live cattle. They were two seperate issues.
The man's name is Floyd Gabler, Deputy Undersecretary for Farm and Foreign Agriculture at the USDA. He stated that getting the Japan market back was in no way tied to the opening of the Canadian border to live cattle. They were two seperate issues.

So, if that's the case then obviously the Japanese see this continent as two separate cases. The US's one case and then the three of Canada's.

If they saw them as being different they would also discount the case in the US as being Canada's and be done with it!

Things that make you go Hmmmm!
Murgen said:
The man's name is Floyd Gabler, Deputy Undersecretary for Farm and Foreign Agriculture at the USDA. He stated that getting the Japan market back was in no way tied to the opening of the Canadian border to live cattle. They were two seperate issues.

So, if that's the case then obviously the Japanese see this continent as two separate cases. The US's one case and then the three of Canada's.

If they saw them as being different they would also discount the case in the US as being Canada's and be done with it!

Things that make you go Hmmmm!

Murgen, If you count the Washington cow, you have to count the 1993 cow imported from England that was in Canada and tested positive. You guys keep forgetting the one that probably got you in trouble to start with.

Another thing that makes you go Hmmmm
He stated that getting the Japan market back was in no way tied to the opening of the Canadian border to live cattle. They were two seperate issues.

Is this in the eyes of the USDA or in the eyes of Japan. If you are saying that opening the border to Canadian cattle and trying to export cattle to Japan are two separate issues, I agree. If you are saying that you think you can open the Japanese market without opening the Canadian border, I doubt it. Japan has already told us that when the border is opened to US beef, it will be opened to Canadian beef with the same rules. Therefore, they see the US and Canada as one market. So the more R-CALF keeps telling them North American beef is dangerous, the longer it will take to open the Japanese market. Good Luck.
Murgen, If you count the Washington cow, you have to count the 1993 cow imported from England that was in Canada and tested positive. You guys keep forgetting the one that probably got you in trouble to start with.

Sorry Mike, you're right, I did forget about all the cows that were imported into North America from the UK. In Canada we traced all those cows and slaughtered them, unfortunately one got into the feed system before the feed ban! Looking at the way this BSE occurs, it's probable that only one cow is infected per herd.

I wonder if all the cows imported from the UK at the same time into North america were found?
Murgen said:
Murgen, If you count the Washington cow, you have to count the 1993 cow imported from England that was in Canada and tested positive. You guys keep forgetting the one that probably got you in trouble to start with.

Sorry Mike, you're right, I did forget about all the cows that were imported into North America from the UK. In Canada we traced all those cows and slaughtered them, unfortunately one got into the feed system before the feed ban! Looking at the way this BSE occurs, it's probable that only one cow is infected per herd.

I wonder if all the cows imported from the UK at the same time into North america were found?

Yep, they went into registered herds where there is traditionally better records. Was reading about that the other day. Some are still alive and being used for research.
I read the same thing about some of these animals being held for "research". Makes one wonder how secretive research is and whether an animal has to be alive or dead to be included in this top secret "research"?
Sash... Japan has already told us that when the border is opened to US beef, it will be opened to Canadian beef with the same rules.

Hmmmm, with the same rules? If the Japan market gets opened to the US it will be with beef from 20 months and under, and only beef not live cattle.

My only point in starting this thread was that we have been told by a lot of people on here that our getting trade resumed with Japan is tied to the
opening of the Canada border. The USDA says this is not so. Is this a big lie that is being spread?
The 'man' said they are two different issues. I agree. However, telling the Japanese to open their borders to your beef when you won't open to Canadian beef when they see all of North American as one market is not going to work. By doing what you are doing now, you are basically stating that the way the beef is processed in the US must be suspect because you are allowing in boxed beef but won't allow finished cattle to process yourself. Also, it seems you are asking Japan to follow the 'best science' and you are not doing it yourself? Good Luck.
Tommy: "My only point in starting this thread was that we have been told by a lot of people on here that our getting trade resumed with Japan is tied to the opening of the Canada border. The USDA says this is not so. Is this a big lie that is being spread?"

Japan will ultimately determine that Tommy. Not a single person from USDA with an opinion that may have been taken out of context by someone like you who is desperately looking for a contradiction.

All you have to do is not be blind to the facts.

1. We had BSE in the U.S. that came from a Canadian cow
2. We have Canadian cattle in our system and have traded cattle with Canada for years.
3. We have taken the exact same BSE precautionary measures as Canada has.
4. We are currently taking boxed beef from Canada but not cattle.

To suggest that these factors would not influence Japan's decision is to suggest that Japan is not aware of these factors.

Now what do you think the chances of that are?????

Just use your head Tommy and quit looking for anything that supports your R-CULT bias.

Japan doesn't have to make an official position on this issue to understand the obvious.

SH, "Not a single person from USDA with an opinion that may have been taken out of context by someone like you who is desperately looking for a contradiction. "

A contradiction? What USDA statement is bring contradicted?
Sandhusker: "What USDA statement is bring contradicted?"

Nobody said a USDA statement was "bring" contradicted.

Fat fingers? LOL!

~SH~ said:
Sandhusker: "What USDA statement is bring contradicted?"

Nobody said a USDA statement was "bring" contradicted.

Fat fingers? LOL!


So my coffee hasn't kicked in yet. What statement is bring contradicted?
SH...Japan will ultimately determine that Tommy. Not a single person from USDA with an opinion that may have been taken out of context by someone like you who is desperately looking for a contradiction.

Scott I did not take him out of context and am not desperate. You, agman, the NCBA, and others have been telling us for a long time that our getting the market back with Japan is tied to our dealing with Canada.

Here is the direct quote...Mike Adams question...Any indication that that decision by the Japanese is contingent on our border decision with Canada, in other words do we have to open that border to Canada before we get access back with Japan?

Mr. Gabler's answer...NO..those two issues have never been linked and we're putting equal effort on trying to achieve openings with both, they are not linked and are not linked now.

Mr Gabler is speaking for the USDA Scott, you may know more about our trade negoiations than he does, but I doubt it.
I was talking to my Brother-In-Law in Japan the other night. He said that threatening trade sanctions against the Japanese was considered to be a big insult. By doing this, the US has probably delayed the border opening to Japan longer than it would have been otherwise.

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