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Japan Not Accepting US Aging Technology

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Quite a change? It only reinforces my "do as the customer wants" policy. You wonder why the delay? It's because we wouldn't do what they wanted in the first place! "Officially", I don't believe they did say they would take our tested cattle. However, Creekstone was in direct negotiatons with them, had a contact, and felt the deal was solid enough to invest a few million of their own dollars to get set up for testing.

Have they "officially" stated R-CALF's comments are encouraging them to keep their border's closed? If we need "official" statements on one topic, lets be consistant.[/quote]

Response...Creekstone has not provided any evidence that the Japanese government sanctioned their testing. Private import companies do not make official policy either here or in Japan.

Your position on testing because that is what the consumer wants is simply wrong. Why don't you get onto a different track as you look silly staying with the same flawed line. Customers are not always right; many times they can be unreasonalbe. If they were always right you would oblige customers who ask for a zero percent interest loan. I don't expect you have made any loans like that in your tenure. By your line of reasoning you should accomadate that customer since the customer is always right - correct. Why don't you bring that proposal up at the bank's next credit meeting? Have a great day.
agman said:
Quite a change? It only reinforces my "do as the customer wants" policy. You wonder why the delay? It's because we wouldn't do what they wanted in the first place! "Officially", I don't believe they did say they would take our tested cattle. However, Creekstone was in direct negotiatons with them, had a contact, and felt the deal was solid enough to invest a few million of their own dollars to get set up for testing.

Have they "officially" stated R-CALF's comments are encouraging them to keep their border's closed? If we need "official" statements on one topic, lets be consistant.

Response...Creekstone has not provided any evidence that the Japanese government sanctioned their testing. Private import companies do not make official policy either here or in Japan.

Your position on testing because that is what the consumer wants is simply wrong. Why don't you get onto a different track as you look silly staying with the same flawed line. Customers are not always right; many times they can be unreasonalbe. If they were always right you would oblige customers who ask for a zero percent interest loan. I don't expect you have made any loans like that in your tenure. By your line of reasoning you should accomadate that customer since the customer is always right - correct. Why don't you bring that proposal up at the bank's next credit meeting? Have a great day.[/quote]
To equate what is a food safety concern to some and bank interest rates is absolutely the most asinine statement I've ever heard. Agman, I thought more of you than that! It's not like we have the only beef in the world. Amazing what people do to justify a closed mind.
We read what USA has done with Japan and the results. What has Canada done with Japan and what are the results? OR are they waiting for us to open it for them?
agman said:
Quite a change? It only reinforces my "do as the customer wants" policy. You wonder why the delay? It's because we wouldn't do what they wanted in the first place! "Officially", I don't believe they did say they would take our tested cattle. However, Creekstone was in direct negotiatons with them, had a contact, and felt the deal was solid enough to invest a few million of their own dollars to get set up for testing.

Have they "officially" stated R-CALF's comments are encouraging them to keep their border's closed? If we need "official" statements on one topic, lets be consistant.

Response...Creekstone has not provided any evidence that the Japanese government sanctioned their testing. Private import companies do not make official policy either here or in Japan.

Your position on testing because that is what the consumer wants is simply wrong. Why don't you get onto a different track as you look silly staying with the same flawed line. Customers are not always right; many times they can be unreasonalbe. If they were always right you would oblige customers who ask for a zero percent interest loan. I don't expect you have made any loans like that in your tenure. By your line of reasoning you should accomadate that customer since the customer is always right - correct. Why don't you bring that proposal up at the bank's next credit meeting? Have a great day.[/quote]

In this case, how can you say the customer is unreasonable when they require the same from their domestic producers? Are you ignoring that fact? That is not something they pulled out just to use against us - that was a law long before that Washington cow.

Your zero percent analogy is fairly rediculous. However, we often run into situations where we have to offer a note at a lower rate or sell a CD at a higher rate than we would like in order to retain business. Sometimes you do things you really would rather not do if your competition is prepared to do it. If you've noticed, our competition walked right into Japan and is giving them what they want - beef that they feel comfortable is BSE free.

I can't see why you refuse to acknowledge that our refusal to meet our customer's demands is not working. Doesn't the complete loss of business tell you something? How can it not? How many billions do we have to leave on the table before it sinks in?
When is the USDA ging to figure it out.......we have to verify age by records,third party verification, and a good management program.
agman...Creekstone has not provided any evidence that the Japanese government sanctioned their testing.

And you have not provided any evidence that the Japanese government says they(Japan) will take USA beef if we open the border up to live cattle from Canada.
Cattleco may have hit it on the head. Canada is ver much able to verify the age of cattle, Japan's border is still closed. I'm not seeing that as the successful strategy. In Japan, they test everything and sell it all domestically, seems to be a working strategy to sell beef in Japan if BSE was ever found in your country.

The other thing about Japan, it seems you can get a trade minister to say yes, but there are other levels it has to pass, Food Safety Commision if I remember correctly. My point here is there isn't a single yes or no voice we are dealing with.
To equate what is a food safety concern to some and bank interest rates is absolutely the most asinine statement I've ever heard. Agman, I thought more of you than that! It's not like we have the only beef in the world. Amazing what people do to justify a closed mind.[/quote]

REsponse..You can use any example you want. The customer is NOT ALWAYS right. That was my reference. What is the LOGIC of conducting a test that proves NOTHING? Now that is a closed mind.

BTW, how totally stupid is R-Calf's ad in the POST? That is another example of a closed mind or better yet, no mind. Have a great day.
Agman,"REsponse..You can use any example you want. The customer is NOT ALWAYS right. That was my reference. What is the LOGIC of conducting a test that proves NOTHING? Now that is a closed mind. "

I think what seperates a customer's unreasonable request from a reasonable request and if they are "right" is whether or not anybody else will meet them. Asking for a 0% loan is assine as nobody will meet that request. Asking for assurances your beef is BSE free obviously does not fall into the same category as Australia is gladly meeting that request.

There is no logic in conducting a test that will find nothing from a SCIENTIFIC viewpoint. However, there other angles to satisfy other than science. When you think of it, how much does science play into your daily purchasing decisions? Why does one buy a Buick instead of a Lincoln? Why buy Kosher instead of standard? Bud instead of Coors? You can see there are many other ways to judge purchases and actions besides science. Actually, science is probably one of the lessor standards we use in making purchasing decisons. Need I mention religion?

What would you do if one of your clients wanted all their reports on pink paper with red hearts on the bottom? Would you deny their request and risk them going to your competitor or would you shake your head and comply?

Who's got the closed mind?
What would you do if one of your clients wanted all their reports on pink paper with red hearts on the bottom? Would you deny their request and risk them going to your competitor or would you shake your head and comply?

Who's got the closed mind?[/quote]

Response..Fortunately my clients are too smart to ask for something so stupid. That is why my producer clients do not support mandatory testing-all cost and no benefit. Is that latter line not similar to R-Calf's failed MCOOL proposal-all cost and no benefit? Have a great day.
agman said:
What would you do if one of your clients wanted all their reports on pink paper with red hearts on the bottom? Would you deny their request and risk them going to your competitor or would you shake your head and comply?

Who's got the closed mind?

Response..Fortunately my clients are too smart to ask for something so stupid. That is why my producer clients do not support mandatory testing-all cost and no benefit. Is that latter line not similar to R-Calf's failed MCOOL proposal-all cost and no benefit? Have a great day.[/quote]

I guess your producer clients don't feel selling beef to Japan is a benefit. You know what I call "no benefit"? NO SALES.

You've been hanging out with SH too much, you're tangenting off the topic to take a swipe at R-CALF. If you start calling them R-CULT, I'm going to drop a word at corporate that you need a vacation and/or sedatives. :wink:
Isn't there a quote from Bullard on another thread to the effect "we didn't know it was a government official, but thought it was an industry person", when questionned about that comment?

Wouldn't that indicate the incident did happen?

agman said:
Agman's response.. No they understand the benefits of trade much better than you and certainly R- Calf. They are not will to have to go through this same process everytime there is a case of BSE. Set reasonable and responsible science based guidelines now. Why would you test if the test shows nothing???

I think they understand the benefits of trade on THEIR terms. It doesn't take much of a businessman to realize that you don't make any profits if you don't make any sales.

Agman, stand back and take a look at how this policy has worked. Put yourself in the position of having to give this policy a grade. Here's what has transpired during the last year;

*We have left BILLIONS of dollars on the table due to lost sales.
*We have allowed our competition to become entrenched in our former markets.
*We are alienating both Japan's government and their citizens with our demands
* After preaching the dangers of giving another nation what we won't give our domestic customers, we negotiate an agreement to do exactly that.
* We have seen consumer polls that state most consumers would not be interested in our non-tested product even if we get it to their stores

Now you're going to give this policy a passing grade?
We have allowed our competition to become entrenched in our former markets

You should have added a little more to this statement.

"We have allowed our competition to become entrenched in our former markets, at least the Canadian competition is in live animals, that gives the US the opportunity to employ workers and add value!"
*We have left BILLIONS of dollars on the table due to lost sales.

Not once have you brought any proof that the Japanese Parliament would even allow deceptive 100% BSE testing.

*We have allowed our competition to become entrenched in our former markets.

We had BSE they didn't!

*We are alienating both Japan's government and their citizens with our demands.

I will agree in part to the strong hand threats from our government.

I thought these "threats" were self defeating but not USDA's position on deceptive testing that you cannot prove would have even been allowed by the Japanese Parliament.

* After preaching the dangers of giving another nation what we won't give our domestic customers, we negotiate an agreement to do exactly that.

Explain yourself!

* We have seen consumer polls that state most consumers would not be interested in our non-tested product even if we get it to their stores

Talk is cheap!

Polls in Colorado stated that consumers would pay more for U.S. beef while Callicrate's U.S. beef product is suffering from "consumer apathy" in Colorado.


No thanks to R-CULT for suggesting Canadian beef is unsafe while we have Canadian cattle in our system and take Canadian boxed beef.

Japan isn't stupid enough to fall for R-CULT's lies.

Your 100% BSE testing is just a cover for R-CULT's stupidity in BSE "fear mongering"!


SH...No thanks to R-CULT for suggesting Canadian beef is unsafe while we have Canadian cattle in our system and take Canadian boxed beef.

Then why did Japan want the US to guarantee no Canadian beef to be exported to them from the USA after Canada's May 2003 BSE case? Didn't we comply with their request?
T: "Then why did Japan want the US to guarantee no Canadian beef to be exported to them from the USA after Canada's May 2003 BSE case?"

Because our BSE originated in Canada and they knew we had traded cattle with Canada for years.

What's your point Tommy?

T: "Didn't we comply with their request?"

We could have. We could have exported source verified cattle to them but they still didn't import from U.S.

R-CULT hasn't helped our negotiations with Japan by their unfounded "fear mongering" lies about the safety of Canadian beef.


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