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Japanese Officials Tell R-CALF Actions Will Delay Re-opening

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Bull Burger

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Feb 14, 2005
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Fruited Plains of western SD
by James Wiesemeyer, Inside Washington Today Today 3/15/2005 4:34:00 PM

Cattle Alert: Japanese Officials Tell R-CALF Actions Will Delay Re-opening Border

R-CALF placed a half-page lobby-type ad in today's Washington Post, thanking the U.S. Senate for passing a resolution (52-46) that would, if it passed the House and was signed into law by President Bush (both unlikely events) do what a district court judge in Billings, Montana (Judge Richard Cebull) has already helped R-CALF accomplish: maintain the closure of the U.S.-Canadian border to live cattle under 30 months of age.

The ad urges the House of Representatives to support the resolution of disapproval "against USDA's weakening of U.S. import standards." The ad was paid for by the Ranchers Cattlemen Action Legal Fund United Stockgrowers of America (www.r-calfusa.com).It includes R-CALF friendly quotes

What the ad does not say is what some Japanese officials reportedly told R-CALF in a recent meeting with them -- that R-CALF's actions have helped delay the time that it will take Japan to resume imports of American beef. Japanese sources told me that, "R-CALF officials were perplexed when we told them they are part of the problem."

A Japanese official told me the following:

"R-CALF's actions will actually delay the re-opening of the Japanese border. Current actions by [U.S.] Senators and House members have stimulated the Japanese media and Japanese consumer associations to start an opposition campaign. This will delay the internal Japanese review process, especially the risk-communications process for consumers.

"In addition, your (R-CALF) actions are increasing [the U.S.] Congress's frustration and their elevated political pressure on Japan is only complicating the issue opening the Japanese border. Political pressure or interference is not assisting in the normalization of beef products between our two countries.

"When R-CALF points to the risk of Canadian beef, you are increasing Japanese consumers' anxiety for U.S. beef, because we believe the risk of beef from both countries is similar. And if you point to the risk of Canadian cattle, you are ignoring the function of removing SRMs (Specified Risk Materials) as the internationally accepted food safety measure and area also increasing Japanese consumers' anxiety for U.S. beef."

To recap, several Japanese officials told me last week that...

-- Japan views the U.S. and Canada as an integrated market and as Japan nears resuming American beef buys, it will be hard to communicate to the Japanese public and definitely Japanese consumer groups if the U.S.-Canadian border is still closed.

-- It will be July or August before Japan makes a final decision to resume U.S. beef imports -- and that is assuming "no more litigation delays."

-- Regulatory comment periods ahead: There are two four-week comment periods coming up via the Japanese regulatory process on this topic.And there is a likely one-month timeline for revision of ministerial ordinances regarding domestic BSE measure. That's nine weeks and does not include the time it will take to issue a final report on the consultations to resume beef trade.

-- Powerful Japanese consumer groups must be dealt with: U.S. officials, farm-state lawmakers. and farm group representatives continue to underestimate the sensitivity of BSE issues among powerful Japanese consumer groups.

-- Political pressure on Japanese officials and agencies is a negative in getting a timeline established regarding resuming American beef shipments.This includes the talk President Bush had last week with Japanese Prime Minister.

-- Japanese domestic producers do not benefit from the Japanese import prohibition. Japanese calf prices are at a record high. This has reduced profits for feeders in Japan. If feeders lose economic power, Japanese calf producers will lose their markets. Numerous BBQ restaurants in Japan have closed and that has reduced potential demand for beef in Japan. "Keeping the border closed to U.S. beef is not in the interest of Japanese beef interests," the Japanese officials concluded.

The commnets from the Japanese dispell some the myths prepetuated by R-CAlf. Thanks for making the post. Have a great day.
It really depends,on which camp you are in.These slanted opinions of one jornalist,or cattle men.these so called "myths prepetuated by R-CAlf."are what CATTLE MEN call honest facts................good luck
Calling Haymaker

Do you still think R-CALF isn't hurting consumer confidence. Their actions are being felt half way around the world. The Japanese may not be consumer right now but there are a whole lot of US ranchers that were hoping they would be some day soon and that looks to be a little farther down the road because of the actions of R-CALF and their fear mongering about Canadian beef. We have been telling you this for months but you go right on think that R-CALF is building consumer confidence with their statement and see how far you get with the Japanese
Haymaker - your words and actions as an r-calfer remind me of the little kid who s*** in his pants and then pointed at all the other kids on the playground and told them they stink.
It really depends,on which camp you are in.These slanted opinions of one jornalist,or cattle men.these so called "myths prepetuated by R-CAlf."are what CATTLE MEN call honest facts................good luck

IS this going to be like the R-CALF member owning cattle in Canada story where it will take a quote from Leo to make you see the truth Your slant is not the way the rest of the world see R-CALF's actions. We have been telling you for months that Japan sees the US as the same risk and by adding fear to the risk we may cause you are adding it to yourself as well. Japan is not the only one that will see this either all your past export markets and domestic consumers will watch this court case and see if the US believes the science you used to protect yourself or if you don't believe it. Then they will judge you using that information. And why shouldn't they if you don't believe the science then why should they?
.........these so called "myths prepetuated by R-CAlf."are what CATTLE MEN call honest facts................good luck

Japan imported $1.7 billion of US beef in 2003.

Approximatly 32 million hd in US cowherd.

$1.7 billion divided by 32 million calves = $70 per head.

Correct me if I'm wrong here.
Bull Burger said:
.........these so called "myths prepetuated by R-CAlf."are what CATTLE MEN call honest facts................good luck

Japan imported $1.7 billion of US beef in 2003.

Approximatly 32 million hd in US cowherd.

$1.7 billion divided by 32 million calves = $70 per head.

Correct me if I'm wrong here.

This aint 2003,BULL BURGER,things change you keep looking
backwards ,you need to start looking where you are going instead of where you been.................good luck
This aint 2003,BULL BURGER,things change you keep looking
backwards ,you need to start looking where you are going instead of where you been.................good luck[/quote]

Response...Where do you think we are going Haymaker?
agman said:
This aint 2003,BULL BURGER,things change you keep looking
backwards ,you need to start looking where you are going instead of where you been.................good luck

Response...Where do you think we are going Haymaker?[/quote]

I wish I knew agman I would be a rich man,you are the expert at forecasting ,tell me how I can get rich in the cattle buisness?Is it reading yesterdays news like Bull Burger? or trying to convince R CALF we need to globalize trade and open our borders,maybe do away with M COOL? forget the captive supply reform act?..............good luck
HAY MAKER I wish I knew agman I would be a rich man said:
Respone..Understanding the past can provide valuable lessons to guide one's future. Protectionism has failed throughout history. Should we not learn from that experience?
American domestic producers do not benefit from the American import prohibition. American calf prices are at a record high. This has reduced profits for feeders in America. If feeders lose economic power, American calf producers will lose their markets. Numerous BBQ restaurants in America have closed and that has reduced potential demand for beef in America. "Keeping the border closed to Canadian beef is not in the interest of American beef interests," the Japanese officials concluded.

Let's change Japanese with American and see if it might also fit the situation! I wonder what the Japanese are trying to say.
Haymaker & R-Calf buddies ....

You can see what we've been through, and do things to prevent the same suffering in your country, or you can insist on heading down the road to a wreck of your own.

It's up to you.

"A wise man learns by other's misfortunes. A fool learns from his own."

Look ... Learn ... THINK! :shock:
Thanks for posting this Bull Burger!

Keep up the good work of dispelling the never ending R-CULT myths.

This is no mystery. To suggest that Japan would buy into R-CULT's bullsh*t would be to suggest that they are too stupid to see the hypocrisy in the U.S. stating that our UTM cattle are safe but Canadian UTM cattle are not.

The truth about R-CULT's short sightedness on this issue is finally starting to surface.

Unfortunately, the R-CULTers are too ignorant to understand the value of our export markets.

What's that old saying?
oh yeh, "What goes around, comes around"

Welcome to our world America, of particular note is the Japanese view that "Japan views the U.S. and Canada as an integrated market"

Come on R-CALF, grab a sweater and jump in the game!
north 0f 49 said:
What's that old saying?
oh yeh, "What goes around, comes around"

Welcome to our world America, of particular note is the Japanese view that "Japan views the U.S. and Canada as an integrated market"

Come on R-CALF, grab a sweater and jump in the game!

Do you have an explantion why Japan never closed their border to the US at the same time they closed with Canada?
Do you really think that they weren't thinking about it, Sandhusker? They could not even if they wanted to because they needed a technical reason to do so or they would have incurred retaliatory measures from the US.

Your BSE cow is what tripped the trigger.
Sandhusker, short answer, "I don't care".

We're rowing the same boat now, Y'all.

Muchos gracias to R-cult for driving the Japanese to making Y'all realize what we've been saying from the start, this is a North American problem with what is truly a North American herd, eh!

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