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John Thompson, world champion bronco rider

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Martin Jr.

Well-known member
Aug 12, 2005
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north central Nebraska
I received an e-mail asking for information on John Thompson, son of Christopher Clarence Thompson, who homesteaded south of Valentine, NE. I found this in "An Early History of Cherry County" by C.S. Reece
"The C.C. Thompson family lived on the Niobrara. They founded the Kramer ranch soon after the turnof the century. Three sons in the Thompson family, John, E. and "Red" all became famous riders. JOhn won the Chamionship of the world. "Red" was injured by a horse falling on him and became blind and a helpless invalid."
Anybody have anything more on this? I recall reading one of many newspaper articles by Milt Latta in a paper of the teens, where Milt says that C.C. Thompson's girls rescued him when he had a runaway on the river hill.
Yes, I think so. I find on the 1900 census that John was born in 1882, so his riding days must have been in the teens. I supose there are some records somewhere.

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