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K-State's new mascot

Trinity man

Well-known member
Feb 12, 2009
Reaction score
Guy Store, Texas

Kansas State University’s new eco-friendly mascot – with her teased orange hair, purple accessories, and all together unfortunate styling – is blowing up on Twitter.

A search for “EcoKat” yields a handful of recently created Twitter handles (including the hilarious #FakeEcoKat) and no shortage of bad jokes. According to Trendsmap.com, it’s a top Twitter trend in Kansas City.

While a press release from K-State from earlier this month describes EcoKat as “Kansas State University's crusader of conservation and fanatic of fluorescent lightbulbs,” it’s garnering a mixed reception at best.

For every tweet in defense of EcoKat are dozens more mocking the mousy mascot. A sampling: “#EcoKat makes me want to leave my porch light on 24hours and drive two blocks to the gas station for a pack of gum”; “In honor of #EcoKat, I will separate my plastics, glass and aluminum from one another... then put them in the trash anyways”; and “Pretty sure I have my halloween costume figured out this year. Thanks, #ecokat.”

But if there’s no such thing as bad publicity, it looks like EcoKat will do just fine

Read more: http://www.kansascity.com/2011/08/30/3110095/new-k-state-environmental-mascot.html#ixzz1WYSr7XN1

I bet Jiggs want miss many games with her out there. :lol:
ooohhhhh trinity you are SOOOOO in for it now!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: i am gonna duck and cover when jigs reads this!! :wink: :wink: :wink:
Trinity man said:

“EcoKat” :???: :shock: :o :roll: I may have to cheer for Nebraska next game- or maybe even one of those Texas teams.... :wink:
this is what happens when green freak liberals get into a fine Ag based school...
myself, I prefer this as my KSU mascot.


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