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"Keep Kennedy Alive" fund

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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2005
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Cabin Creek, Carlile,Wyoming
WASHINGTON, DC --- Ted Kennedy, who was recently declared brain-dead by his physician, is fighting for his life. The Senator's family is trying to have his feeding tube removed to allow him to die a sober death. The tube, attached to a bottle of vodka and a bottle of gin, has been utilized by the senator for his entire adult life. Medical experts believe removal will almost certainly result in death.

"This is a very complex situation," said one medical expert. "Senator Kennedy appears to be functioning normally to many people, but it is quite obvious that the man is brain-dead by his public comments. Most of us in the medical community think he should be allowed to have a dignified death by sobering him up and removing his feeding tube."

Liberals were stuck in a quandary today as they want Terri Schiavo dead, but they don't want Ted Kennedy to die. "This is a moral dilemma to many people," said Commie Greenstein, a liberal living in New York. "Fortunately, most of us don't really make decisions based on any morals, so it's okay if we want one person to die while allowing a brain-dead person to live."

Alcohol manufacturers around the world are scrambling to raise money for the "Keep Kennedy Alive" fund. Removing his feeding tube is predicted to cause a 12% annual decrease in global alcohol consumption. Some manufacturers risk going out of business as soon as the feeding tube is removed.
Maybe they should also have a fund set up for teaching women how to swim, golfers how to not hit their partners with clubs, and all of the other wonderful things the Kennedys have given us.
sw said:
Maybe they should also have a fund set up for teaching women how to swim, golfers how to not hit their partners with clubs, and all of the other wonderful things the Kennedys have given us.

But, but, don't forget, on the positive side, they DID give women the
pillbox hat with white gloves. :?

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