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Keren's Self Portraits

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Members Poll: Should Keren's Self Portraits be eliminated? No Opinion, Yes, No

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I think saying they are self portraits is in poor taste. Perhaps you should edit this post. :tiphat:

You do not know Keren, and I for one would not appreciate this being said in reference to me . Would you ODNT ? Or what about it being said about your daughter.. :wink:
the most offensive thing on ranchers is pig farmer so eliminate him first.
Personally, I have always thought that Keren must be a vet or vet tech and was posting pictures of what she runs across in her practice.
Guess they haven't bothered me. I only see them as little pictures on the right when I log in to ranchers. I've went and ahead and looked at a couple when I had to say "what the hell is that? Oh. Gross."
And since once you've seen one goat's bunghole, you've seen them all, I haven't even thought about them since some of you had started talking about them.
I say leave it alone, unless you know something that I am not privy to.
I am an infrequent poster and go thru spells where I don't look this place up too often, so if I have missed something, I apologize.
Oooooh so that is it....the bunghole of a goat is Karen's pictures? Well I am not privy to goats so I just assumed it was documenting a disease they get or something i didn't know...didn't think nothing of it. Did she post them with the intent to be profain? Quite frankly I have a rather hard time distinguishing the difference between a bunghole of a goat from some of the family pictures some people post on here......just saying
Frisco said:
Personally, I have always thought that Keren must be a vet or vet tech and was posting pictures of what she runs across in her practice.
Guess they haven't bothered me. I only see them as little pictures on the right when I log in to ranchers. I've went and ahead and looked at a couple when I had to say "what the hell is that? Oh. Gross."
And since once you've seen one goat's bunghole, you've seen them all, I haven't even thought about them since some of you had started talking about them.
I say leave it alone, unless you know something that I am not privy to.
I am an infrequent poster and go thru spells where I don't look this place up too often, so if I have missed something, I apologize.

Yeh- over the years she's had numerous pictures of differing faults with goats, ailments and injuries too...Along with hundreds of goat kids, showing goats, goat seedstock, shearing goats- etc. etc.- many of which she used to post in articles on cattletoday....I thought many of the shots from the rear were used to show something about a goats phenotype....
Somewhere I got the idea too that she was an animal husbandry student- or Vet student-- and thought she was Australian....
I haven't seen any posts on CT from her for awhile....

If you look thru the pictures she's posted- a varied assortment- mostly of goats and comparing goat phenotypes and ailments..
Kato said:
Keren's not even on the members list. No need for the pictures then, is there?

Macon owns both Cattletoday and Ranchersnet-- and when the Photo Gallery was set up on here, told the Cattletoday folks they could use it too to post their pictures if they didn't want to use Photobucket...

:roll: I can't believe so many supposed ranch folks are getting so frothed and frenzied from a few pictures of a goats rear end.... :wink:

If you look at ALL the pictures she's posted- the rear end ones are only a few in a bunch- including goat kids, Churchs, and life in Australia... :roll:
don't shoot the messenger until you read the Thread and Posts that led to this.
Thanks to whom ever finished the Poll for me.

Kerens Photo's and story
I think some of the folks that voted the pictures "stay" are probably "PM" buddies of her,and I dont give a damn whether she is male/female young or old,just because someone is a youngster dont mean they are an angel,I have always felt the pictures were posted to send a juvenile message and they are outa place here,post a picture of one goats ass and who cares do it regularly without any posts follow up,tells me something,and is one of the reasons some of us have really slowed/stopped participating in Ranchers.net.........................................
good luck
I find it offensive... We all take pictures of our animals, but are the pictures that we take of our animals like that??? NO they are not... Simply because we know that it's unacceptable... A moral reason.... To me it's kinda sick..... Just my two cents worth and I would never post a picture of my animal in a disgusting way.... (sorry) :oops:
I've seen a few of them pics......but my mind does not run in the gutter as some yours seems to.

It's a goats ass.....big deal. Who holds your head and makes you look at them. It's America, a free web site....and she can posts pics of her work w/ animals.

Or either you people have not and do not involve yourself in ag or with your animals as you claim if a goats ass sends you a 'flutter...

Find something else to whine about
I think some of the folks that voted the pictures "stay" are probably "PM" buddies of her,and I dont give a damn whether she is male/female young or old,just because someone is a youngster dont mean they are an angel,I have always felt the pictures were posted to send a juvenile message and they are outa place here,post a picture of one goats ass and who cares do it regularly without any posts follow up,tells me something,and is one of the reasons some of us have really slowed/stopped participating in Ranchers.net.........................................
good luck

Haymaker is it the pictures or the fact that you raised goats and either end makes you sick? :lol:

Another poll probably started by pm's or PMS either way one and the same. old dog or steve. :shock:
jingo2 said:
I've seen a few of them pics......but my mind does not run in the gutter as some yours seems to.

It's a goats ass.....big deal. Who holds your head and makes you look at them. It's America, a free web site....and she can posts pics of her work w/ animals.

Or either you people have not and do not involve yourself in ag or with your animals as you claim if a goats ass sends you a 'flutter...

Find something else to whine about

I kinda agree....get over it....don't look at them....hell I wouldn't of even noticed them if this thread hadn't cropped up. I've looked at her other pictures since this and I have found several of them quite interesting.....she has a lot of pictures. You people are ranchers...and if a few pictures of a goats ass sends you over the edge maybe you need a new line of work.....
I can understand some find it offensive. Some are in no other term gross BUT then I have seen gross pics posted here and noone seems to mind if ita about some weird calf with its guts on the outside or a horse that has some way hurt itself. Me, I get over the gross factor and LEARN from the pic which is what the poster intended in posting them.

In all honesty will this matter in 5 years? I have learned in the past couple years what we "think" will matter and what really does matter are two different things. Pics of a goats ass is not going to matter and if anyone leaves because of the pics...sorry they were looking for an excuss to leave anyway or did not want to tell anyone the REAL reason they left.
I think some of the folks that voted the pictures "stay" are probably "PM" buddies of her,...

I don't PM anyone on here for one simple reason: it is the Internet. I don't know anyone on here and to fight with faceless strangers or pick and choose what stranger gets to stay or go is just silly if not downright sad.
I guess I'm too busy in the real world to spend so much time counting and clicking on pictures that I am not interested in. Do these pictures pop up like ads on your computers? They do not on mine. I have to click on them if I want to look at them. I control what I see or don't see.
Man, this place is as clicky as a junior high lunchroom.
Frisco said:
I think some of the folks that voted the pictures "stay" are probably "PM" buddies of her,...

I don't PM anyone on here for one simple reason: it is the Internet. I don't know anyone on here and to fight with faceless strangers or pick and choose what stranger gets to stay or go is just silly if not downright sad.
I guess I'm too busy in the real world to spend so much time counting and clicking on pictures that I am not interested in. Do these pictures pop up like ads on your computers? They do not on mine. I have to click on them if I want to look at them. I control what I see or don't see.
Man, this place is as clicky as a junior high lunchroom.

You are correct 2 groups one on the left one on the right both run by people that want to dictate what the poster posts. Both have played the pms game and boths credibility is zero. Kind of like obama :lol: :lol: :lol:

Wonder if either one of the leaders have birth certificates? :oops:
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