Lonecowboy said:
you know larry I live in remote MT-
I see $4.00 fuel-
groceries higher, higher-
price of everything higher-
I'm going to a bull sale this afternoon- last year their pass out price was $1500- this year I'm guessing it will be over $2000.00 are the bulls worth any more- I think not- our money is just worth less because of inflation. there are consequences to keeping the printing presses running.
the only thing we have here are jobs- most of us 2 or 3 jobs , somewhat to make ends meet but mostly to get things done that need done. there is nobody else to do the work.
Well Lonecowboy- you know you don't have to go out and buy a 5-10K bull--there are still a lot of places that are selling bulls for $2000 or less...Often the same breeding or type- as good or better bulls, but without all the emotion and commotion high dollar promotion- and a high dollar prefix before the bulls name...
Now for me when I look back- I would have to say I'm better off than the Bush days...Altho we had record prices on cattle when the Canadian border was closed- GW's folks quickly went against their own scientific policy and got that reopened so the Packers could get to their captive supply of cheap cattle...
Now we have record cattle prices- good wheat and grain prices (last few years $8-10)-- a forecast of the cattle prices to stay good for several years- cheap feed (hay is $55 Ton around here)...And yes while gas is high- it was $4 when GW was President- and just the last couple of months its dropped under $3 in parts of Montana...But we didn't have the good cattle/grain prices to pay for it like now....And anybody that wants a good job can easily get one.....
And I made some bad decisions...With the forecast for another tough winter I sold all the steer calves and bulls last fall-- and could have gotten much higher prices if I had held onto them thru the new year...But I'm not upset- I came out good with the prices I got- and I'm low input- not one of those that spends the winter in Aruba- or going around to every cattle show- or needs a new pickup/tractors every year-- financing it off the backs of the high prices they then need to get from their neighbors for their bulls ...
No all in all- even with the costs of the tough winter and the flooding - and the loss of wheat production I had last year- this will be a better year than I ever had when GW was in there.. Altho sometimes I think maybe he is the one to thank- since his low cattle prices drove many out of business and gave us the smallest cattle herd in 50 years- and he was the father of the Bush Bust- which devalued our dollar and set up the sales of beef and grain overseas to markets we never had before... :wink:
Like Pat Goggins has long said- a good old depression/recession can be good for the cattle market....