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LOTS of pictures!!!

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Well-known member
Jan 7, 2007
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I'm inside, waiting for the hay to cure more before I rake it. My allergies have been horrid, so I'm staying inside until I have to head out, and thought I better post some pics for you all :D . If this is too many pics for one post, let me know and I'll split it.

Gathering to haul to the forest early last month. A storm formed directly overhead, and it started hailing half way to the lane. The best part was calves wouldn't turn back when getting pelted in the rear with hail :lol:. Luckily it wasn't big stones, and it didn't last long.

Calves waiting to be loaded onto trucks.

Getting ready to unload, and pair-out of the corrals. The cattle are getting good about pairing up off the trucks, and looking for the gate. We actually pair them up and sort as they're unloading. Kinda like directing traffic on a runway, but it works, and is fun when everyone's on the same page :D .


Grass, and lots of it this year!!! :D



Grass in the high ground :D . My horses GAIN weight while riding :lol: .

Prairie goats :D .


Some of the yearling heifers :) .

Yearlings happy to see some salt :D .

My cattle, and a few other cows are summering with the yearlings.


Hope they bred-up...

Rainbow off my porch :D .

We got most of the bulls home last week. I'm still missing one :roll: . Hopefully the little rascal shows-up soon.

My neighbors use horses for some of their haying :D .


Jim replacing the broken compression spring :? . He's the head mechanic, I'm the head livestock person... I'll run it til' it breaks-down, then I saddle up a horse :lol: .
Glad to have ya back! :wink: Looks like you've been busy. Glad to see all is well! Especially glad to see ya a horseback. :D The grass, cows, horses and scenery look just peachy! Thanks!
Great Pictures--- You hava beautiful Ranch!!!!!! :) :)

Tell me about your Horses--
WyomingRancher said:
I'm inside, waiting for the hay to cure more before I rake it. My allergies have been horrid, so I'm staying inside until I have to head out,
Yeah, I'm allergic to hay too - it brings me out in a sweat :wink: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Beautiful pictures WR enjoyed them very much!
I belong to the allergic to flowers, hay and horses club. It makes you a little more creative in our chosen career. I especially like the post card pic of the horse in the tall grass and that black bull. Thanks for dropping back in.
she's back with a bang :D great pics :!: beautiful country, good lookin' cattle, green grass, fat horse.......all looks good to me :wink: :)
Great photo's WYRancher...I too have my own personal "fixit man"...and if it's ranch related it gets fixed..if it's house or yard related...it still aint fixed...lol So how did yur hay rake up this afternoon?
I raked hay the same way this year. I see your forecart has a bankers seat too.
Great selection of pictures, WyomingRancher. The cattle are fat and the grass is tall. Those are pretty clouds out where the deer and antelope play. Thanks for the tour.
That's a nice brand on that horse in the tall grass-I'm hoping to dust off the chore team this year or else break a couple of buckers to drive-I have a matched set of red roans would look good together. Once the cows are gone this fall we'll only have a 150 or so head to feed and won't be coaching hockey so can start having fun with the ponies again. What part of Wyoming are you in again-we hope to hit Idaho Falls tomorrow night then cut across to Cody on Monday. That's a great set of cows and calves by the way-i'm lucky that my only allergy is to hard work.
Great photos WR. I really like the ones of the horse in deep grass, antelope, the guy (I assume) in the yellow slicker, and the old fashioned haying photos. They are all great, but for some reason those stick out for me!

Things sure look good in your country. Isn't great to have a great moisture year once in awhile? I know it sure improves attitudes around here.

Did you get your hay raked? I have really bad allergies; pretty much allergic to everything on the ranch (except lazy ace :wink: ) I took allergy shots for 5 years...they really helped me, I would recommend them to others.

Thanks for sharing your country with us!


TTB :wink:
TTB your Mom and Dad are coming for coffee in about an hour-look forward to meeting them-I was going to drive out last night but they were coming in this A'M anyway.
Thanks for the compliments :D . I'm glad you enjoyed the pics, and it's good to be back visiting with you guys :) . Yep, I got the hay raked, baled and mostly stacked. If you don't get the bales to the hay pen quickly, the elk like to tear the twine off them, so you gotta move fast :lol: . My allergies aren't too bad today, I used a neti pot and plenty of Sudafed :lol: . Better living through chemistry :wink: .

Talldog, I've worked on this ranch almost 13 years, it is a beautiful place :D . The first horse belongs to my friend who helps me some. She breeds/raises/trains them all herself, and they're pretty nice. She does a good job... and they're always for sale :wink: :lol: . The sorrel with the rider wearing a slicker is part draft. She's a tough mare, and never has been shod... that's impressive up here in the rocks. My sorrel is a horse I bought from Newlands around Belle Fourche, SD. He's the third horse I've bought from them, and all have worked well for me. I can't tell you much about the teams.

Joaker, do you have some pics of your team(s)? I appreciated how quiet and therapautic it was to ride along on the rake.

And Little Bow, it wasn't always heaven up here... it snowed a little over 6 feet total in March/April. We desperately needed it though, and has sure made for a spectacular summer! :D TTB is right, a summer like this really takes the pressure off things.

NR, I'm in the southeast corner of the state. It would be nice meeting you and your family if you ever make it this way... say Frontier Days 2010??? :D

And FH, I DO HAVE IT MADE and I know it :wink: :D !!! Believe me, I've gotten in on plenty of mechanical projects, but never have developed an interest to be of much help :D . Kinda like how I flatly refused to learn grammar in school... to this day I can't tell you what a noun is :lol:. I can be tad stubborn at times.

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