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Well-known member
Feb 10, 2005
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N.E. Oregon
We sold two of our bottle babies yesterday to some friends on the other side of Baker valley. They've lost 7 calves out of the first 40 to calve due to lupine poisoning. :shock: Does anyone know of a way to keep them from eating it? Other than the obvious...don't put them in that pasture. They are getting it on their forest permit when they first turn out. I didn't know if something in the mineral or anything could help them out.
Keeping the pregnant cows out of the pastures with Lupine for the first 80 days of gestation is what I have heard works best. Our cows don't hit the pasture that has it in it until Aug. 2-4-D kills it fairly easy. We have never lost any calve to It knock on wood.
Unfortunately, they have a set date to turn out on the forest. And I'm guessing it's too big a area to spray.
Feed minerals for 60 days before turn out this has helped. cows need Mag.
Nicky said:
W.T said:
Feed minerals for 60 days before turn out this has helped. cows need Mag.

This has helped you? I'll let them know. Where in Nev are you?

Call your vet they can get you on target with this.

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