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M-COOL doesn't matter

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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2007
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No matter what the protectionist groups can dream up the fact is Canada will eventually reclaim our traditional market share in the US beef market. The fact is the Canadian beef is as good if not better than US beef. So i understand the fear that these groups have about canadian beef. They know because they know their product. Must be a horrible thing to live in fear. M-COOL seeks to associtae the US with Canada, so US producers can keep on riding the shirttails of the reputation of quality of Canadian beef. Maybe time for US beef to become a quality product instead of a quantity one . You now see you can never win the quantity market and others have the quality market sewn up. That leaves the US producer pushing COOL so they can leech off the reputation of other countries quality. Desperate times demand desperate measures - appeal to US patriotism during a time of war to sell beef now that is lower than a worms belly. It just makes one wonder how many times these people have to shower each day to wash away the slime. And now R-CALF is associating with anit-beef groups, what is next r-calf getting an endorsement and funding from the Bin Laden group?
"COOL DOESN"T MATTER"..............................

Sure couldn't tell it by your venomous posts.......... :lol:
No matter what the protectionist groups can dream up the fact is Canada will eventually reclaim our traditional market share in the US beef market. The fact is the Canadian beef is as good if not better than US beef. So i understand the fear that these groups have about canadian beef. They know because they know their product. Must be a horrible thing to live in fear. M-COOL seeks to associtae the US with Canada, so US producers can keep on riding the shirttails of the reputation of quality of Canadian beef. Maybe time for US beef to become a quality product instead of a quantity one . You now see you can never win the quantity market and others have the quality market sewn up. That leaves the US producer pushing COOL so they can leech off the reputation of other countries quality. Desperate times demand desperate measures - appeal to US patriotism during a time of war to sell beef now that is lower than a worms belly. It just makes one wonder how many times these people have to shower each day to wash away the slime. And now R-CALF is associating with anit-beef groups, what is next r-calf getting an endorsement and funding from the Bin Laden group?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I don't have much use for R-CALF and their tactics, but they are cattlemen for the most part. Patriotic cattlemen that love this country just as much as I do. And this horseshit...

...what is next r-calf getting an endorsement and funding from the Bin Laden group?

....ain't necessary. :???:
What makes one wonder is how you come up with this stuff.

NOT HAVING COOL would be how Canadian quality would be taken advantage of(by Tyson and Cargill). IT IS SOLD NOW AS PERCEIVED USA BEEF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Texan, I make my living from cattle, unlike alot of the people on these type of sites. I call a spade a spade because what some make idle chat and banter over really does effect my life. The price of calves will drop this fall because the US government is making a false market for ethanol. I wonder who r-calf will blame the price drop on? probably canada as we are an easy target. And the Bin Ladin group is very invested it texan and US oil. Therefore it would not suprize me to see that the group of Saudi Oil billionaires have been asked for donations to R-CALF.
And in reading that Bullard of r-calf is buddying up with anti- meat group, what is this guy's real agenda. When he is OK with teaming up with a group that wants to put cattlemen like me out of business. I look at R-CALF who he is supposed to be a voice for and think that group has gone from radical to fanatical.
As for COOL get on with it already IMHO it will end up hurting US beef and helping Canadian beef. So get 'er done.
Rob Mac - The US has been USing Canadian beef to supply the premium market for years that is why the US packers need canadian beef so much that is why they are fighting so hard to keep canadian cattle coming into the US . It is also the reason why Asian markets flipped out about BSE they knew how much US beef sent to them was actually born on Canadian soil.
It is also the reason why Asian markets flipped out about BSE they knew how much US beef sent to them was actually born on Canadian soil.

MLA, Bill??? Seems y'all have a BSE problem. :roll:

Could you explain more about "the Bin Ladin group"?
Geeze Question! You might be on to something! After all, we have it from another reliable Canadian source on this forum that we Americans blew up our own twin towers just to start a war! Now you have offered indisputable evidence that there may be connections between R-Calf and Bin Ladin! Do you suppose that this whole chain of events was started by Bullard to take control of Canada?

The plot thickens! His master plan may be R-Tree & R-Oil! Yep! I think you are on to something here. All the earthquakes, hurricanes, droughts etc. may not have been natural causes. People have been blaming them all on Bush, when it may really be Bullard who is responsible for all the evil in this world!

Be thankful that you are not related to this man in any way. That is a given, as your posts show indisputable evidence that there are few, if any, branches on your family tree. Although I'm not well versed in Latin, when I read your last two posts, the term "Moronicus-Inbredicus" comes to mind!
Q, "And in reading that Bullard of r-calf is buddying up with anti- meat group, what is this guy's real agenda."

You should consider the source of what you read before you believe it. Bullard is not buddying up to any anti-meat group.
Fedup2 maybe do some reading or read something completely if you have problems with the big words i can help you- i was NOT speaking of Osama :roll: but the Bin Laden group (the saudi billionaires that control US oil.) Yeah they own the US oil refineries. And over 60 billion of assets in texas alone. the same guys who flew out of US air space when every other plane in the US was grounded. These guys were G.Bush's bosses before the the US public was. By the way you like to twist things you must be an R-calfer.
As for your latin moronicus inbredicus should apply to the ignorami that designed the US ethanol program. Except it was done on purpose to help big oil. Think about it, really using feed quality grain to produce ethanol the problem is it isn't economical as for the requirement for chemical fertiizer to get the yeilds to produce enough on the farm level makes it flawed. There are 3 other feedstocks for the making ethanol that are way more efficient they are sugar cane, switch grass and willow suckers. the cellulose feedstock is way more effiecent but it wouldn't allow the government to feed taxpayer money to big oil and agriculture. So this isn't about being enviromentally friendly but putting green in your buddies pocket. This will impact calf prices way more than COOL ever will , but you guys keep on yodelling about COOL, the reality is cattlemen will suffer because of this ethanol program.
As for your other statements maybe you should check to be sure you get your medicine dosage just right or maybe you need to adjust the antennae on you aluminum foil hat a bit better? :help:
As for the branches on the my family tree too bad mine all has University degrees and yours? Just a piece of advice don't be an a$$hole or all you will see is $hit.
No matter what the protectionist groups can dream up the fact is Canada will eventually reclaim our traditional market share in the US beef market. The fact is the Canadian beef is as good if not better than US beef. So i understand the fear that these groups have about canadian beef. They know because they know their product. Must be a horrible thing to live in fear. M-COOL seeks to associtae the US with Canada, so US producers can keep on riding the shirttails of the reputation of quality of Canadian beef. Maybe time for US beef to become a quality product instead of a quantity one . You now see you can never win the quantity market and others have the quality market sewn up. That leaves the US producer pushing COOL so they can leech off the reputation of other countries quality. Desperate times demand desperate measures - appeal to US patriotism during a time of war to sell beef now that is lower than a worms belly. It just makes one wonder how many times these people have to shower each day to wash away the slime. And now R-CALF is associating with anit-beef groups, what is next r-calf getting an endorsement and funding from the Bin Laden group?

If bringing some honesty/fairness/transparency to the market place affects your miserable ass negatively.........I say good,you and your kind are not part of the solution,you're part of the problem.
First of all thanks for all the PM's i know the facts checked out. Too bad some people won't accept the truth.
HM bring on COOL is a joke, have you seen that a animal can spend up to 60 days in canada and still get a COO USA designation. MIND explaining that little loophole! IMHO i could care less about COOL. As far as honesty/transparency/ fairness maybe let the rest of the world pick the animals for some BSE testing in the US and then you might have a leg to stand on. I am the eternal optimist but think what ever you want. I prefer to look at what affects my bottom line as a cattleman. Do you even own beef cattle? Exactly what kind do you think i am? Here is some thing i have proposed a long time ago but there are too many cowards to implement it . Mass kill, every OTM bovine in north america(Canada,US, Mexico no exceptions) as of jan 1 2004 every animal tested for BSE , no part to be used for any type of animal feed regaurdless of test results. Yeah that would break the BSE infection chain. IT fixes a problem i am willing to do it but who else is? That is the type of person i am, get it fn done period. No pain no gain. Yeah i am part of the problem :roll:

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