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We had a man who took care of our road. He did a great job. But he retired. He lived in Baker and his area was the south east corner of the county. That put him driving down my road several times a week. I would see him stop and toss rocks off the road which rolled down off the hill. The new guy lives in Unity. Which is the other end of this district. He rarely travels on this road. When he does I have seen him drive around rocks on the road. He grades this road once a year. The old guy did it 2 or 3 times a year. I called the head of the county road dept. He just blew smoke up my skirt. I told him that I have taken the tractor out and pushed rocks off that were too big to move by hand after they had sat on the road for a week or more. After that discussion if the rocks aren't between my place and town I just leave them.
blade hits the road 2-3 times a year we have some traffic to Strata Energy uranium In-situ operation by Oshoto the rest uses the D road that runs from Moorcroft to Montana. Winter, we might get plowed once a storm is totally over, sometimes gets packed down and we can make it in and out. The bottom 3 miles of Cabin Creek Road been Mag before we came here, as there a crushing operation at the junction of Left Creek Road. That uses granite from Missouri buttes, they haven't been doing much. But county uses that lot to also stockpile gravel. Not sure if the EPA or DEQ got on them but if it had got done this year the commissioners would have had to put up with my wife, and we half mile off the cabin creek road. Well, we did get a few miles of what the old road thru the ranch was and two neighbors abandoned last year, that was a chore in itself.
Johnson County WY takes better care of their roads than Sheridan Co does.
I think it is the crew or maybe it is the guy that is head of the co crew.
In Mt,. Fallon County Road crew was excellent. They also have the best machinery because
it is the richest county in the state of Montana. Everyone wants the road equipment they trade
in because they do it every couple of years.
Our grader man pulled all the shoulders first time over in the spring He hasn't been back all summer. Now we have a big ridge down the side of our lane with weeds growing out of it,
He only works 6 months of the year and took 2 weeks holiday and then the brand new grader was broke down.
I'd stack up Tooele county in Utah against anyone for having a terrible road department. They will not grade a dirt road and the wash boards on the road we drive to work are horrible. When we complain we get told how the county has 850 miles of roads to maintain. But the majority aren't roads people drive daily to work or service ranches. Our county could not care less and it shows. Worthless is still too nice of a description of those idiots. And the county commissioners are in that same sinking boat. They look at us as 300 stupid ranchers who don't make a voting block up big enough to give a _______(insert sweat word here) about.
I drive over 4500 miles a month taking care of the USAF equipment in three states. 85% of those miles are on dirt roads. I could take you out there blind folded and you'd know when we came into Tooele county the roads are that bad.

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