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Managing Red Angus Bulls.

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Hillsdown, Thanks for the reply. I wrote down all that gobbldigook and will ask about it. I have already bought the equipment to inject them for parasites etc. and a spray for ticks. I have given injections to humans so I guess all I have to learn is the best spot to place it on a cow/bull. I don't have any pictures of my cattle yet. I am going Friday to take my neighbors their Xmas presents. I have a generator there and I am going to set it up for them to have lights this Christmas. The wife is soooooo excited. She has never had them.
Speaking of that I have to get going w/ more gifts for my Panamanian daughter and the rest of our HUGE family. The Christmas party last year had 120 (mostly the fathers side) and lacked 50 to 60. Should be about the same this year. When I first went to one of these Xmas parties I said "look, they invited the whole neighborhood" but they said no, Chris, this is all family. Well, my brain couldn't wrap itself around that concept cuz of the small family I have had so I said it again and they said "No Chris, that's all family."
And as we left they casually mentioned that next year (Last year at this point.) we had to give the party. Holy Cow! (Pardon the pun.) (I get it from my Dad.) So, last year we had this LARGE party. I had a blast. Took pics of everyone and emailed them to them. Ok, we catered part of the food. We live in a three (small) bedroom house with five people and one bathroom . New experience for me.
Oops. This isn't cattle talk. I'm outta here.
Not sure if I'll get back on the web b4 Xmas but will try.
Merry Christmas to all,
ANGUS327 said:
4Diamond said:
ANGUS327 said:

Care to expand? We have all 3 and those are our experiences with them... Should I change my name to REDANGUS?

I've had lots of experience with red angus bulls and don't find them "docile" they are the ones most likely to jump the fence or gate when you are working them. I don't know what a balancer is, some sort of mongrel I suspect. Why would you change your name?

Well your name was angus and you were an angus expert I should change my name to Red angus since I know about them.

That was our experience with bulls. Our red angus bulls are much easier to handle.

Balancer is 50% angus 50% gelbvieh
We give all of our injections SQ into the neck in front of the shoulder. I like 5/8" 16 gauge needles for everything older than a cow. Because of tissue damage associated with injections into the hip area there has been a BQA push to get everyone to give injections in the neck.
Thanks to all. Can someone send me a drawing or picture of where in the neck to inject please? I have seen injections done here and it was not in the neck.
I just finished breakfast and am headed to the farm. Don't know if I will get a chance to be on the web again.
Merry Christmas everyone.
Christopher, I used solar units on my ranch in Africa, during the rain season it was not unusual to have heavy clouds for +- 5 days, and we never had a problem with batteries not charging, buy good quality and the equipment should work well.
My experience with Angus in the tropics was that they didn't cope at all well as pure breds, in crossbreeding programs over Sanga or Indicus cattle they added to the beef quality of the stock, several composites have been developed as a result, remember Aberdeen Angus evolved in the northern temperate environment, and do very well in similar climate zones, look at some of the composites being used in Argentina and being exported to Uraguay, Paraguay and Brazil.
the last pictures are of Angus crosses in the USA.

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