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Marion Jones what should be done?

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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2007
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She admitted to steriod use and abuse for years even thru all the championships what should happen? should IOC strip her of all medals as well as her relay teamates? Should her sponsors recieve money back? Should she have to do time for transporting illegal drugs across state lines and borders? what should happen? Should she be admired for admitting the true and held up as a role model for coming forward. Even though it was only after she was bascsicallky forced to. What to do with this US sporting hero a legend. When will this stop happening US sports heros coming out after the fact that they were using illegal substances to be able to win on the international stage?
Throw the book at her...... And Barry Bonds........ You lie with dogs you soon have fleas................ :D :D Remember when the Russian gymnastic team was roided up??? It's been dirty for years......... And we won't even get into Ben Johnson......
Ben was immediately stipped of his medal and removed from the record books and banned from competition. Carl Lewis admitted to being on juice as well what happen to him- nothing, what about so many other US atheletes who confess like you last tour de france winner, even lance was on drugs too bad these athelese need drugs to be great. It all comes down to money and in the US a winners gets alot of it as a spokesman and that is why they cheat. It is to be expected.

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