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Well-known member
Mar 17, 2005
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I just had it mailed to me, and I naturally do not like micky d's, and found it humorous.

I think they do a dis-service to beef by cooking it to a nice cardboard texture and serving it like they do.
jigs said:
I just had it mailed to me, and I naturally do not like micky d's, and found it humorous.

I think they do a dis-service to beef by cooking it to a nice cardboard texture and serving it like they do.

I don't care for McDonalds either, especially when they announced that they couldn't find enough lean beef here and would go out of country to find it. But.......they are one of our biggest purchasers of beef and have helped demand. We have to give them a little credit.
Kato said:
A customer is a customer ... we need them all. :)
Yeah, don't dis us customers! :D And McDonalds has done some good things.
Like their kids hospital program. And employing 3/4 ? of the US population at one time of another!
And spreading our questionable "cuisine" around the world :? .

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