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Message Only for Jinglebob

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Well-known member
Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
I PM'd you.

(by the way, it will be interesting to see how many people read this!! :wink: This group has the curiosity of a cat! :D )
It wasn't me.....it was the dog. She is Border Collie and very smart. She also farts in the living room and tries to blame me. :wink:
Sierraman said:
Whoops! Clicked the wrong button! :oops: Meant for the one below. :mad: :lol:

NOBODY believes that one, lil' hippopatamus!
I didnt read it I aint even here so how could i read it???My computer is not even working so nope cant read nuttin on here. :D
TXTibbs said:
nr said:
Sierraman said:
Whoops! Clicked the wrong button! :oops: Meant for the one below. :mad: :lol:

NOBODY believes that one, lil' hippopatamus!

haha...when i first seen it, i thought cow....but now that you mention hippopotamus, i see that to now...haha.

Oh, my, you're right. I lied. Shame on me. :( I am so curious, its a fault of mine, I learned from my cats.
Saying it is private on a board is like asking for privacy on the old Party line,,, :lol:

and at last count only 243 of the 500 plus registered members peaked in :roll:
And besides, we knew it couldn't be too private. Not so private, you wouldn't have us potentailly reading it, or for certain, reading it.

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