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Milk cows in Sask?

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Well-known member
Jun 15, 2005
Reaction score
Saskatchewan, Canada

Does anyone know where I could find a nurse cow in Saskatchewan? I would prefer if I could find her in the southwestern part. The one dairy we usually go to just got a larger quota so they aren't selling anything now!!

Look in the Western Seducer Randiliana-I think I saw somebody in southern Alberta had a couple of them for sale in their classifieds. We've got one but were way up in the northwest corner of Sask.
Northern Rancher said:
I looked it up the number is 403 527-0318 in Medicine Hat-they are selling 3 year old Brown Swiss X cows. Hope it helps.

Thanks, I did check the Producer out, but must have missed that ad! There are a few guys around here starting to think a Nurse cow is a good idea, especially since a lot of cows are getting so old that they can't raise a calf anymore.


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