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I Luv Herfrds

Well-known member
Nov 8, 2007
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This storm last night went to the west of us but hit a lot of people we know.


Been getting reports from FB onfrom friends. One friend uncle lost 80% of his crop. Another friend lost their TV tower, green house, part of a fence and a piece of the fence took out a window.
Had some baseball size hail get a couple of sheriff's cars. Reports of roofs being torn off or parts torn off. A report of a shop door being taken off the building.
It was really bad.
I was at work but my family was at home watching it and not a one thought to get a camera and take sopme pics!

Pager just went off and we are now under a tornado watch til 11pm tonight. Oh sh*t!
sending prayers your way for your safety and for the safety of all who you love and hold dear!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:
Tornados missed us!

Listening to the fire department north of us check roads and people. Tornado was spotted 5 miles south and heading for the town. People were calling into the sheriff's department to check in and report they are fine. Most were out of power due to power poles being knocked down and wires down too.

That was scarey! That cell was developing right on top of us. I was reporting to the weather service and the meterologist told me to head for our basement til this storm passed! :shock: :shock: :shock:

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