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Missing Cattle Rancher in Manitoba

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I visited with his son Doug one year while at a sale there. They've got a nice set up there for sure and good people!

It's funny how just a few minutes, either way, can change the outcome of something HUGE! Scary
The natives have had search parties out looking for Grant too. Not saying they wouldn't torch the car if they came across it. But kill the guy, I would be very surprised if that was the case.
Funny how a few bad apples can cloud the reputation of so many(to mix metiphores well) I'll bet on the 2 legged preditator. Keep us posted,please..
Oh, my two legged predator theory is very, very non race specific for a reason... I just think mankind in general just seams most likely to be the predator in a situation like this..
IL Rancher said:
Oh, my two legged predator theory is very, very non race specific for a reason... I just think mankind in general just seams most likely to be the predator in a situation like this..

I agree . I said somewhere else the only animal I'm afraid of is a human
I've known Grant Moffat for 25 years. Suicide is about as unlikely as it is possible. The guy doesn't have a mean bone in his body, and is one of the nicest guys around. Maybe too nice, if the wrong people decided to take advantage.

I also know that when the locals steal cars, they burn them. I know of one car about 10 miles from our place that was burned while in the midst of a police chase! The cops were about a half a mile behind the car, the guy who stole it jumped out and took to the bush, but still took the time to light it on fire. It's like a signature.

It's got to be either accident or foul play. It's possible that he may have had an accident, and someone found his car and stole it, but with the likelihood that they would be blamed for his misfortune, there's no way they will ever come forward. I know that in that neighbourhood, an unattended car is not likely to stay where you leave it for long.

It's a troubling thing, and I sure hope someone finds out what happened. His family is totally traumatized.
Sandy, some people think so. Just count the burned out cars in the RCMP yard in Amaranth! :wink:

Actually we've been sending cattle up to that part of the country for years now, and have never had a problem, but that doesn't mean there aren't some bad apples in the barrel.

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