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More BLM pictures

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Well-known member
Feb 10, 2005
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N.E. Oregon
FINALLY got my pictures to load on photobucket, don't know what the problem was/is...probably my slow dialup :? Anyway these are the rest of the pictures of taking the steers to the BLM, and some when I rode the other day.

See those cows way in the distance? They are the cows with heifer calves that we trailed the day before. They ARE NOT supposed to be there, they came down a draw that is so steep it's not fenced! Actually non of the top is fenced and nothing has ever come down until now :???:

The river - not fun to cross when the water is high!

Going up the hill from the river

Almost to the gate

Gunner - on a lunch break

Jack fence (also called stake and post fence) we have alot of these where it's too rocky to set posts or put steel posts in. Unless the posts are wired together you can lay the fence down and ride over it if you're not near a gate. And the elk just roll them over (hopefully) instead of breaking the wires.

Cows and calves in the rocks

You must ride Mountain goats. How do you keep from rock soring a horse? Nice pictures, make sure and enter some in the contest.
That's quite a hill you've got to ramble over! Beautiful rocks and color.
I look forward to seeing more of your pictures.
That Jack fencing is interesting and new to me. Made us wonder how many kinds (styles) of fencing are used in this country and around the world. Do you think we could have a fencing picture photo contest??
Think I'll ask the Queen of Photos: Faster Horses.
GREAT PICS, NICK.... I sure like that big country. Just enough room to turn a horse around. I think you have funner country to gather in but we don't need to shoe here in the sandhills. If I'm ever in that area, maybe I can ride some of that river country with ya.
You must ride Mountain goats. How do you keep from rock soring a horse?

Actually they are TWH's :p You do want a good horse under you! Amazingly (knock on wood) we very rarely have a lame or sore horse.

Saddletramp - we'd love to have you (or any of the rest of you all) come ride with us. We can show you some country :wink:
Nicky, seeing the pictures of where you have to maintain fences makes me feel guilty about griping about fencing in what I call our "great goathills of Saskatchewan"! We don't do the horse thing (wish we did, though) so when we fence our hills, it's with a truck and if the truck can't go through some of those hills, then it's on foot. The other day we were fencing in some of the worst places, and where the fence needed the most fixing, it was park the truck as close as we could get and carry the supplies in. I made countless trips back and forth carrying posts, diggers, spade, fence stretcher, staples, wire, hammer and fencing pliers. Whatever was left over after we patched a huge hole in the fence had to be all carried back out again. Of course it was up and down hills both ways! Suffice it to say, when all was said and done, I was pooped! Had to just sit for a bit and catch my breath.
Faster horses said:
Any catagory is fine with me.

But the Queen of Photos is now CERT.

She knows technique and is much better versed in this stuff than am I.

I asked, she accepted. Done deal. But I'm always glad to help out.

Great pics Nicky!!! Sure is rugged country.

Faster Horses...all the rules, changes and gripes run thru YOU. All I do is post the pictures. I'm just a puppet. LOL This is your baby.
Works for me, cert. I appreciate you doing all the hard work. And if you have to be gone, let myself or Jersey Lily know. She'll help us out too.

I put some new rules in the Contest Rules spot. They are:

Voters have until Fridays at midnight to vote (this is after this week's contest because we can only change the rules on Wednesdays.)

AND...each catagory is limited to 10 entries. First 10 in get in the contest. If you send in an entry and it isn't posted, you didn't make the top 10 in. The catagories will come around again, so keep your picture and resubmit it when the catagory comes around.

We have to stop somewhere and if 10 is what fits on a thread easily, that is where we will stop it. If we have vote-offs, etc. we will get everyone confused. The KISS system works best for me. (Keep It Simple Stupid.)
Kinda funny, I grew up North and a little to the East. When you grow up there, you dion't think twice about how steep it is to ride in. When you go away and come back, you realize it can be pretty tough country,

I grew up where there were rattlesnakes. Always knew to watch for them, but never thought a lot about it. Moved to W. Montana where there are no rattlesnakes (in the valley where we were, anyway) for 18 years. Now we are back over here where there are some rattlesnakes.

It was a shock, seeing that first rattlesnake. I didn't realize they were gone, til they were back! Darn things!

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