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More cows in the swamp

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Well-known member
Feb 22, 2008
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west chilcotin bc
The cleaning lady had to work today.

Calves at the grain bunk.

Older cows at the Big Meadow.

Close encounter of the wolf kind.

Another load of hay today, it came from Warburg Alberta.

Morrison Meadow bunch.

The heifers are holding their own better than their 2nd and 3rd calf sisters and cousins.




#16 is a bit of a wolf watcher, even when she doesn't need to be. :roll:

Class pictures.

Boy do your subjects ever look good. It is nice to go into winter in such good condition. That is quite a hike for hay. Some of us couldn't haul there because we don't own enough straps to satisfy BC's DOT's.
per said:
Boy do your subjects ever look good. It is nice to go into winter in such good condition. That is quite a hike for hay. Some of us couldn't haul there because we don't own enough straps to satisfy BC's DOT's.

Thanks Per, they are not as fleshy as their swamp bellies let you think but they are holding their own.

I do want to kid you that that hay is cheaper landed here than the wheat straw you bought last spring. :lol:
per said:
Boy do your subjects ever look good. It is nice to go into winter in such good condition. That is quite a hike for hay. Some of us couldn't haul there because we don't own enough straps to satisfy BC's DOT's.

I don't think I have enough winches on two trailer to make one. :shock:
I haul Pipe style so I don't get as many on but they sure ride nice. :D
gcreekrch said:
per said:
Boy do your subjects ever look good. It is nice to go into winter in such good condition. That is quite a hike for hay. Some of us couldn't haul there because we don't own enough straps to satisfy BC's DOT's.

Thanks Per, they are not as fleshy as their swamp bellies let you think but they are holding their own.

I do want to kid you that that hay is cheaper landed here than the wheat straw you bought last spring. :lol:

No doubt, I still have 2 of those gold plated wheat bales left. :?
per said:
gcreekrch said:
per said:
Boy do your subjects ever look good. It is nice to go into winter in such good condition. That is quite a hike for hay. Some of us couldn't haul there because we don't own enough straps to satisfy BC's DOT's.

Thanks Per, they are not as fleshy as their swamp bellies let you think but they are holding their own.

I do want to kid you that that hay is cheaper landed here than the wheat straw you bought last spring. :lol:

No doubt, I still have 2 of those gold plated wheat bales left. :?

Hopefully you stored them in the barn over the summer. :lol:
Older cows at the Big Meadow.

See, that would never work here... these cows are trained to bunch up and stand on much as hay as possible, before it all blows away :roll: :lol: .

Your cattle look great :D .
"More cows in the swamp" .........dont look like any swamp I ever seen,but the stock tells me you been working hard,they sure look good.
The more i look at cattle from that part of the world the more I become convinced "Miss bovine" is very adaptable,lookin at yours its easy to see they are thriving.
Beautiful country and fat cattle,and an ole fart tending em,not a bad combination :D :D
good luck
"an ole fart tending em"

Haymaker, are calling Deb an Old Fart??? :???: She is the only one doing any tending that we can tell here. :shock: :? :wink:
Big Muddy rancher said:
per said:
"an ole fart tending em"

Haymaker, are calling Deb an Old Fart??? :???: She is the only one doing any tending that we can tell here. :shock: :? :wink:

He is a silver tongued old devil. :cry: :lol: :lol:

If I were Hay Maker, I would decline any invitation to Gcreek's place for a hunting expedition - they may dispense with the Dick Cheney part . . .
RMUG said:
how many tons of hay on that trailer,
nice pics

That load was a touch over 27 short tons. Most of the bales we have gotten this year have averaged at 16 to 1700 lbs.

We bought a load of second cut alfalfa one year that the bales averaged 2242 lbs, the seller made the driver go over the scale twice to make sure that it was right.
Another fellow at Vanderhoof BC that we normally get hay from if we are short makes good hay and the bales weigh in excess of 1900 lbs. It sure makes the price per ton go down if you can get heavy bales and hire the trucking. He droughted out this year and had to buy a little hay to feed his own cows rather than selling 12 to 1500 bales.

This year we bought from a broker as there are not many lumber trucks going over the rocks.
per said:
"an ole fart tending em"

Haymaker, are calling Deb an Old Fart??? :???: She is the only one doing any tending that we can tell here. :shock: :? :wink:

No I am not callin the Little lady an ole fart,Im talkin about the ole fart that tended the cattle into the shape they are in.
good luck

PS maybe you 2 canuckleheads are the ones that better lay low,Deb catch you around there and take that shovel to you for insinuatin she is an ole fart
just sold a trailer load of hay to the chief at alexis creek . he bought a trailer up here and wanted to haul somthing back on it. i was a little worried about the width of the load it was 12 feet wide. hope he makes it home.
Hope the freight didn't cause ya'll to miss Christmas? :shock: But hay in the stack sure has a way of making a guy feel better when spring is still over the horizon. :D
peacecountry said:
just sold a trailer load of hay to the chief at alexis creek . he bought a trailer up here and wanted to haul somthing back on it. i was a little worried about the width of the load it was 12 feet wide. hope he makes it home.

Joe Alphonse?

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