Since we live on the Hi-line of Montana ( which is designated that not only because its the northern 50 miles from the Canuck border- but because everyone waves Hi to every vehicle they meet)
---more and more folks up here on the short grass- strong grass are going to running yearlings... A couple of the 5,000 to 15,000+ units have been moving toward it for years from all cow calf to 90% yearlings---but now over the last year I have talked to several of the smaller owners - 300-500 that are thinking the same... And today after a meeting - I talked to 2 more...All are about decide to do the same with the grazing land or leases they have (and especially if Montana leases double from $6 to $12 a pair)- landowners and leasees that are getting older ) in or near their 60's with no siblings that want anything to do with 24 hour ranching that say they will just run yearlings rather than the work of running cows- bulls- and calving....
To me that- may cut back on bull sales- but means folks looking more at the cattle/breeding that can forage and gain/finish on grass are that much more valuable ...

To me that- may cut back on bull sales- but means folks looking more at the cattle/breeding that can forage and gain/finish on grass are that much more valuable ...