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More on copper chlorophylline sodium Rx for prion diseases

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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2005
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Home on the Range, Alberta
With reference to Reader (the seconds) thread on Naoko Iwanami of Japan, finding two compounds that might prevent prion formation (sodium copper chlorophyllin and sodium iron chlorophyllin):

I found a good web page on Chlorophyll (chlorophylline):


"Chlorophyll is one of the most important chelates in nature."...

"Chlorophyll is essentially two parts: a substituted porphyrin ring, and a phytol (long carbon chain). The porphyrin ring is an excellent chelating ligand, with the four nitrogen atoms binding strongly to a co-ordinated metal atom in a square planar arrangement."

Medical dictionary definition of "chelate": "to combine with a metal in complexes in which the metal is part of a ring. By extension, a chemical compound in which a metallic ion is sequestered and firmly bound into a ring within the chelating molecule. Chelates are used in chemotherapeutic treatments for metal poisoning." Dorlands Illustrated Medical Dictionary - 26th edition.

Also, according to a webpage with a "selection of registered inventions of RIKEN" Registered in 2003:

Naoko Iwanami has two patent applications:

"2003-149237 A method for searching prion protein structural transformation-inhibiting substances" and

"2003-155239 A prion protein structural transformation inhibiting agent that contains copper chlorophyllin sodium."

It would appear to me that these patent applications may be under intense scrutiny. If Dr. Iwanami's substances prove to inhibit prion formation, this would also validate Mr. Purdey's work (as well as others like Brown, Boon Sen Wong, etc) that have been linking the formation of prions to rogue metals.

I hope you'll take the time to look at the link above. I found this webpage was very helpful.


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