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Well-known member
Apr 24, 2009
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I stole this picture from another site.


They say they are Old Order Mennonites. Steel wheels on everything. Pretty impressive.
My buddy has a pair of Norwegian Fjord mules that are pretty handsome but I can't pry them out of him. Those loooked pretty much all matched for size-be nice to spend a month or so there and learn a bit. I bet those old boys forgot more than I'll ever know.
That was kinda my thought. I have never driven a team. My Granddad still have a couple teams when I can remember, and I tried to get him to show me how. He told me at that time that he had spent all of his life trying to get away from working horses, he saw absolutely NO reason to do it for pleasure.
I would like to get a team, but I also know that they would have to be able to teach me, or maybe I should be like all the first timers, and get a young team so we can LEARN together. :roll:
LazyWP said:
That was kinda my thought. I have never driven a team. My Granddad still have a couple teams when I can remember, and I tried to get him to show me how. He told me at that time that he had spent all of his life trying to get away from working horses, he saw absolutely NO reason to do it for pleasure.
I would like to get a team, but I also know that they would have to be able to teach me, or maybe I should be like all the first timers, and get a young team so we can LEARN together. :roll:
my situation exactly, so many old skills being lost to progress or are just no longer relevant in todays highspeed society.

as in Soap's post (advice for the young) learning these skills could still pay dividends
I had never driven a team before either-I bought two PMU fillies for 600 bucks and grew them out till two then my buddy started them for a month-he brought them back over-showed me how to harness then I was on my own-they were pretty mellow mares because we never ever had a wreck-I used them every day and fed alot of cows over the years. Still have one mare left she's 23 now-we use her to keep the weaners company and such. I had to ship her mate last spring but we hooked them till they were 20. I think we raised 7 teams out of them and lots of singles so they've paid there way. I just love draft horses-kind of big mellow buddies-there are still alot of cows fed with horses up here-I'd guess there at least 50 working teams just in my area. A friend of mine is going to start having a production sale of teams in a year or so-I think he's hooking ten teams right now. Between draft teams and all the chuckwagon horses there's alot of hookers in our area lol. I help my neighbor train his TB wagon horses-they are a different deal when we'd get in a runaway we'd just drive them into a big slough a half mile or so of water up to their bellies takes the snark out quick.
No one needs a stallion mule. It might sound studly to have one, but since mules can't reproduce anyway, there is sure no reason to leave the nuts in a mule. They are ornery like a stallion, and go through all the motions and have all the emotions of being a stallion, but they are shooting blanks. Geld them and be done with it.

A mule is half horse and half donkey, out of a mare and sired by a jack. A hinny is half horse and half donkey, but out of a jennet donkey and sired by a horse stallion. Mules look more like a donkey and act more like a horse, where a hinny looks more like a horse (their ears are shorter than those of mules) but acts more like a donkey.

Even though mules are sterile, once in a great while one will reproduce. In such a very rare occasion, if a molly mule was bred by a stallion, the offspring will look like a horse; if bred by a jack, the offspring will look like a donkey.
Soapweed said:
No one needs a stallion mule. It might sound studly to have one, but since mules can't reproduce anyway, there is sure no reason to leave the nuts in a mule. They are ornery like a stallion, and go through all the motions and have all the emotions of being a stallion, but they are shooting blanks. Geld them and be done with it.

A mule is half horse and half donkey, out of a mare and sired by a jack. A hinny is half horse and half donkey, but out of a jennet donkey and sired by a horse stallion. Mules look more like a donkey and act more like a horse, where a hinny looks more like a horse (their ears are shorter than those of mules) but acts more like a donkey.

Even though mules are sterile, once in a great while one will reproduce. In such a very rare occasion, if a molly mule was bred by a stallion, the offspring will look like a horse; if bred by a jack, the offspring will look like a donkey.

I, for one, appreciate when someone takes the time to be as thorough as you have here Soapweed. No room for error now. :D
WVGenetics said:
Soapweed said:
No one needs a stallion mule. It might sound studly to have one, but since mules can't reproduce anyway, there is sure no reason to leave the nuts in a mule. They are ornery like a stallion, and go through all the motions and have all the emotions of being a stallion, but they are shooting blanks. Geld them and be done with it.

A mule is half horse and half donkey, out of a mare and sired by a jack. A hinny is half horse and half donkey, but out of a jennet donkey and sired by a horse stallion. Mules look more like a donkey and act more like a horse, where a hinny looks more like a horse (their ears are shorter than those of mules) but acts more like a donkey.

Even though mules are sterile, once in a great while one will reproduce. In such a very rare occasion, if a molly mule was bred by a stallion, the offspring will look like a horse; if bred by a jack, the offspring will look like a donkey.

I, for one, appreciate when someone takes the time to be as thorough as you have here Soapweed. No room for error now. :D

There is a great Line (Putdown) Here but I won't use it :( :twisted:
OldDog/NewTricks said:
WVGenetics said:
Soapweed said:
No one needs a stallion mule. It might sound studly to have one, but since mules can't reproduce anyway, there is sure no reason to leave the nuts in a mule. They are ornery like a stallion, and go through all the motions and have all the emotions of being a stallion, but they are shooting blanks. Geld them and be done with it.

A mule is half horse and half donkey, out of a mare and sired by a jack. A hinny is half horse and half donkey, but out of a jennet donkey and sired by a horse stallion. Mules look more like a donkey and act more like a horse, where a hinny looks more like a horse (their ears are shorter than those of mules) but acts more like a donkey.

Even though mules are sterile, once in a great while one will reproduce. In such a very rare occasion, if a molly mule was bred by a stallion, the offspring will look like a horse; if bred by a jack, the offspring will look like a donkey.

I, for one, appreciate when someone takes the time to be as thorough as you have here Soapweed. No room for error now. :D

There is a great Line (Putdown) Here but I won't use it :( :twisted:

If you think I was too harsh, go ahead and fire away at me with your Putdown line. I probably need it.
Matt Dillon rode horses and Festus rode a mule. Argument over! :wink: :lol: I rope bad enough without having to compensate for an extra foot of ears in my aiming area. :lol: :lol:
leanin' H said:
Matt Dillon rode horses and Festus rode a mule. Argument over! :wink: :lol: I rope bad enough without having to compensate for an extra foot of ears in my aiming area. :lol: :lol:

Seenor H, were these two sharing a story you wanna share?


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