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Mar 2, 2005
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Requests Input from Industry

WASHINGTON, May 5, 2005-Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns today unveiled a thinking paper and timeline on the National Animal Identification System (NAIS) and called on agriculture producers, leaders, and industry partners to provide feedback. Both documents are available on the U.S. Department of Agriculture's NAIS Web site at http://www.usda.gov/nais and will be published in the Federal Register.

"The documents we're releasing today offer a draft plan to move the public discussion forward on this important initiative," said Johanns. "We created these documents with guidance from the NAIS advisory committee and with a great deal of input from producers. We're proposing answers to some of the key questions about how we envision this system moving forward. Now, I'm eager to hear from farmers and ranchers so we can develop a final plan."

A comprehensive description of system standards will be determined over time through field trials, user experience and the federal rulemaking process. These documents lay out in more detail projected timelines and potential avenues to achieve system milestones. For example, these documents propose requiring stakeholders to identify premises and animals according to NAIS standards by January 2008. Requiring full recording of defined animal movements is proposed by January 2009.

The Federal Register notice acknowledges the outstanding concerns of some stakeholders and frames questions for which USDA will be seeking answers as it moves forward with the NAIS. These questions pertain to funding for the system, confidentiality of data in the system and flexibility of the system, among other things.

Consideration will be given to comments received on or before June 6, 2005. Send an original and three copies of postal or commercial delivery comments to Docket No. 050-15-1, Regulatory Analysis and Development, PPD, APHIS, Station 3C71, 4700 River Road, Unit 118, Riverdale, MD 20737-1238. If you wish to submit a comment using the Internet, an easy link to the NAIS docket and comment form will be available on the NAIS home page at http://www.usda.gov/nais.

Once USDA receives feedback on the documents, it will follow the normal rulemaking process before any aspects of the NAIS become mandatory. The public will have the opportunity to submit additional comments on any proposed regulations.

Comments are posted on the EDOCKET Web site and may also be viewed at USDA, Room 1141 South Building, 14th St. and Independence Ave., SW, Washington, D.C., between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. To facilitate entry into the comment reading room, please call (202) 690-2817.

Administered by USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, the NAIS is a cooperative state-federal-industry program being created to track animal movements from birth to death for the purpose of disease tracking. It will be established over time through the integration of three key components: premises identification, animal identification and animal tracking.

State and federal animal health officials will be able to manage disease surveillance and control programs more effectively and efficiently as animal identification and location records are collected through NAIS. They will also be able to implement electronic intra- and interstate animal movement permitting rapid respond to potential disease outbreaks.

Eventually, the NAIS will allow animal health officials to identify all animals and premises that have had contact with a foreign or domestic animal disease of concern within 48 hours of an initial presumptive-positive diagnosis. As an information system that provides for rapid tracing of infected and exposed animals during an outbreak situation, the NAIS will help limit the scope of such outbreaks and ensure that they are contained as quickly as possible.

The NAIS is designed to encompass the tracking of all animal species that could directly or indirectly impact the animal health status of our nation's food animal system. Currently, species working groups have been established for beef and dairy cattle, bison, camelids, cervids, equine, goats, poultry, sheep and swine.

APHIS received approximately $33 million for NAIS implementation in fiscal year 2005 through the Consolidated Appropriations Act. USDA also transferred $18.8 million from its Commodity Credit Corporation to APHIS in FY 2004 to support the program.

YUP that's the IDEE and www.Scoringag.com has already done that !!!! and more.
Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns today unveiled a thinking paper and timeline on the National Animal Identification System (NAIS) and called on agriculture producers, leaders, and industry partners to provide feedback.
Unveiled a thinking paper ????????????????????????
Called on agriculture producers, leaders, and industry partners to provide feedback ???????????????????????????????????????????

I thought SEC.Mike WAS informed.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The countryside is informed MIKE!!!! ,ITS you and the Washington Bureaucrats that have your head stuck in a woodpile.
Thanks Porker for your endorsment. Here at ScoringSystem we have launched our new producer self subscription animal traceback system under www.scoringag.com .It handles every local or national premises code used .Our PIDC premises code takes over when a animal or its product is shipped to another country.We traceback from Fork to Field in seconds using the latest technology ,even with a cellphone.We have management fields for all livestock from the producer with RFID tags and Brands to the packing plant and fabrication to the super market for each handler in the food chain. So as we have spent alot of time building Global databases our STAFF felt that it was time to say we have the complete RFID system for BEEF from Field to Fork even though our own goverment is still thinking how to do it for APHIS.So when we read that they are still looking and we see statements like this we wonder what is really going on . "The documents we're releasing today offer a draft plan to move
the public discussion forward on this important initiative," said Johanns. "We created these documents with guidance from the NAIS advisory committee and with a great deal of input from producers. We're proposing answers to some of the key questions about how we envision this system moving forward. Now, I'm eager to hear from farmers and ranchers so we can develop a final plan."

Best Regards ,STAFF
WHY don't you give your system to APHIS or lease it to them.It would sure save a lot of tax dollars and at least they would be using the latest technology as SEC. Mike really needs some help.I read in a farm paper that you are able to keep the cost so low that the cattle farmers in Africa and South America can be in the system to ship the products to Europe and Asia and everywhere else.Sure would save both Canada and the US. budgets.I see you have a small demo page on the www.scoringag.com site,maybe some of these posters on ranchers.net will see that you are the world standard in traceback ,M'id and recordkeeping.Eh keep up the good work.

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