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Murgen is alive and well

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Thanks Big Muddy, made it here okay and ready for work tomorrow, I guess. Seems there's a little cleaning up to do around Manitoba's place. :(
Call Search and Rescue and the K-9 patrol and cancel the manhunt! :wink: Glad to hear he is alive and well.....keep up posted on Manitoba Rancher and the status of the clean up as there are alot of us who would love to help out however needed!!
Murgen just left here. Really nice fella. Wish he could have stayed longer as I would have loved to show him more of the countryside around here and chatted more about the news. Last we seen he was heading real fast east like a streak of light. :shock: Hope you have a safe trip Murgen!!! Come back soon!!! Just we didnt get any work out of him :(
Murgen just left here. Headed east. Nice guy, I had an appointment otherwise I would have liked to visit with him longer.
Murgen said:
Murgen just left here. Really nice fella. Wish he could have stayed longer as I would have loved to show him more of the countryside around here and chatted more about the news. Last we seen he was heading real fast east like a streak of light. :shock: Hope you have a safe trip Murgen!!! Come back soon!!! Just we didnt get any work out of him :(

guess Murgen forgot to sign out after he was here last nite. Hope you get home before this darn snow storm hits Murgen!!!
Made it home this morning. A total of 7940km (4764mi)in 10 days isn't bad with a few visits along the way. Kind of ran out of time towards the end.

Had to help out a "band" last night that had gotten too close to the shoulder and it gave way underneath them. They were pulling a fairly heavy trailer and were pretty stuck. Held me up for a bit, but it gave me a break from the moose dodging I was doing between Wawa and the Soo.

Anyway, thanks to the folks who extended their hospitality and when I have a little more time, maybe I'll post some landscape pics.

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