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My Life

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Thanks, passin thru! That was awesome, I think I'll save it to my computer, and then take a look at it every time I have a chance.

((((((((((((((((((((((((Kris))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Hang in there, girl! We'll make it ok, I promise!
I'm guilty of being on both sides of this story (2 divorces) The first one, I pulled the chinch on for "her" mental health. She needed to grow up and I couldn't get her away from her mother.

30 years later, after 14 years together, she came into the house and told me to move out. V_Key asked what was up, and when her mother told her, she at 13 told her mother.
"This is My House and Dad and I Live Here!"
I still wonder how a 13 year old could make that choice.
My X moved out the next day. And was HAPPY to have her freedom.

I tend to see the humor in Life and it helps "Look for it"

I have many Hurtful but FUNNY Stories
passin thru said:
Kris, keep your chin up.
Now I seem so foolish for worrying about my problems.
If this becomes final you might want to plan things to keep you busy during this time. Keep those kids close to you.

Set your goals high, and dont stop till you get there

my attorney called me and the court date is TOMORROW AT 9 A.M.!!! Yep....looks like he's gonna get his wish....his freedom!!! :cry:
kris said:
passin thru said:
Kris, keep your chin up.
Now I seem so foolish for worrying about my problems.
If this becomes final you might want to plan things to keep you busy during this time. Keep those kids close to you.

Set your goals high, and dont stop till you get there

my attorney called me and the court date is TOMORROW AT 9 A.M.!!! Yep....looks like he's gonna get his wish....his freedom!!! :cry:
:cry: Hugs...:!:
kris said:
passin thru said:
Kris, keep your chin up.
Now I seem so foolish for worrying about my problems.
If this becomes final you might want to plan things to keep you busy during this time. Keep those kids close to you.

Set your goals high, and dont stop till you get there

my attorney called me and the court date is TOMORROW AT 9 A.M.!!! Yep....looks like he's gonna get his wish....his freedom!!! :cry:

I have a question to ask, and I hope you don't think I'm being too nosy and insensitive. How long does it take to get a divorce in the States? Up here, you have to be seperated for at least a year before you can even start divorce proceedings.
Depends on sooooo many things. If there are kids involved, the disperal of any property held jointly, debts, etc.

I've known of some that have lingered on for years and years.

Mine took 90 days, no contest, pack-yer-shite and get, and he was gone! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
as of 10 am, cowboyup got his wish...he if officially DIVORCED!! Nope, did not take long.....painfully short and over with! he did not contest anything and there really was not much inthe way of property to argue over....done and over with 5 weeks after he said "it's over"!!
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
I know you feel sad, esp for your kids....BUT..you are alive, in good health, kids are in good health, you've got a job and a home...... MARCH ONWARD from here!!

Turn a page in YOUR BOOK OF LIFE now and start writing a whole new chapter for yourself. :lol: :lol: :lol:

God Bless you and the kids...........He looks after us when we really need it, ya know?

My dad says, He won't bring you to it, without bringing you through it.

It makes perfect sense to me.

Hang in there, and if I can do anything (anything at all) please let me know, ok?
its time to fight for your mariage,god sees divorce as sin. you and him need to pray about this god can fix this if you ask him to. divorce is not an answer to problems. poeple give up to easy .go to your bible and read mark chapter 10. read verse 11,12 over and over. take it to the lord and he will fix it. stop feeding off everyones pitty.
jbar, I think kris and I have both fought for our marriages........but you can't do it alone. Seems like "our" guys have better things in mind than us, from what I can see.

I hope that you will never experience the heartbreak that we are going through right now, it's nothing to smile about.
jbar said:
its time to fight for your mariage,god sees divorce as sin. you and him need to pray about this god can fix this if you ask him to. divorce is not an answer to problems. poeple give up to easy .go to your bible and read mark chapter 10. read verse 11,12 over and over. take it to the lord and he will fix it. stop feeding off everyones pitty.
God does not see divorce as a sin,God doesn't judge people that way,at least not the God I know.Your new here and are judging good people who are looking for support not pity.
sorry but you need to read your bible,and i am not judging anyone.just point out the truth and its in gods word. get your bible and read mark 10:11,12. better yet read the whole chapter.this is not judging its the truth in gods word.
jbar said:
sorry but you need to read your bible,and i am not judging anyone.just point out the truth and its in gods word. get your bible and read mark 10:11,12. better yet read the whole chapter.this is not judging its the truth in gods word.
Sorry I'm supporting my friends not getting into a battle about the word of God.You are judging Kris,Ranchy and me but presuming we've not already read these bible passages.Both those girls have a very strong faith in God, just because its not to your liking doesn't make you right to take them to task.
Mrs. Greg


We have plenty of folks that are very faithful to God on this site and none of them chose to chastise or judge.

I know God hates divorce, but sometimes you haven't got a choice.
Hopefully, that will never happen to you, jbar. But there are NO

Those ladies are hurting right now, and they didn't need you to make them feel worse, thank you.
jbar....................I pity you.........................feed off that for a while

No matter your beliefs there always comes a time to be quiet.............this is one of those.

Oh and if any of these ladies wants to kick your a$$...................I'll hold their coat while they do.

Remeber God still loves you even though you are judgmental :lol:
jbar said:
sorry but you need to read your bible,and i am not judging anyone.just point out the truth and its in gods word. get your bible and read mark 10:11,12. better yet read the whole chapter.this is not judging its the truth in gods word.

You don't need the bible to have a good marriage. This is exactly why the religous right and the republicans that support them are obsolete.
Kris and Ranchy, sorry about your simultaneous marriage troubles. We love you both, and wish the best for both of you from here on out. Today is the first day of the rest of your lives. God hasn't forgotten you. Take heart and carry on.

Our oldest son went through a divorce a couple years ago. It was very hard on him, and he was rather down on all females for quite some time. He now has a wonderful new girlfriend and a whole new "lease on life."

He knows that his welding job isn't real healthy because of the air he breathes. He also knows that smoking is unhealty, but he got hooked on cigarettes quite some time ago. He decided to kick the cigarette habit, and took some prescription medicine of some kind that is supposed to make cigarettes "taste bad." He took his last cigarette at noon last Monday, so has gone nearly a week cold turkey. A couple days after he started this project, I asked him how he was doing. His nerves were frayed and his disposition sour. "Terrible," he replied, "Quitting cigarettes is harder than a divorce." Yesterday he and I travelled together. He said that he thinks the worst is past, but he did get some "fake" no-nicotine chewing tobacco to help ease the pain. He seems to be a fairly happy young man at this time, and this warms his old dad's heart.

Good luck, kris and Ranchy. God will take care of you, if you let Him. :)
kris and Ranchy I know yall do not know me as I do not post very much here but I been reading posts on this site every day for about 5 years. I just want to say I wish you the best during this hard time in your life and that times will get better, just hang in there. Lean on others that what friends are for. Best of luck to both of yall.
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