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my mamma said there would be days


Well-known member
Nov 19, 2007
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I think this has been one of the worst weeks in my life so far first I had a box of bad snap tests that I use to test my milk for drugs before I ship it long story short milk was good test were bad dump around 10 thousand dallars worth of milk down the drain. Second today the well to our barn went out pull it put a new pump on all it a white out. Third went to lock up all the new calves in the shed for night and one mamma didn't like that idea much let's just the theory that if you keep the calf between you and the mother she will not hit you not true with this cow she sent me right over backwards the good news is that the foot of fresh snow softened my landing. That 9 to 5 office job is starting to look real good right now :D . Just kidding what do you do if you get bucked off a horse you get back on so let's see what kind of enjoyment brings tomorrow hope everyone one else is have better luck
mamma said there would be days, she just never said there would be so many :wink: :lol:

better luck tomorow, it can't get much worse :lol:
If your bovine co-workers are too beligerent you can hit them over the head with a shovel. I'd bet a lot of 9 to 5'ers would die for that opportunity.
Don't worry about tommorow, today will probably do you in! :D

We all have them Cure, just makes us appreciate the good ones. At times we have to stop and try to find something good in the day but they are there.

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