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My son the rancher

Big Muddy rancher

Well-known member
Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
Big Muddy valley
My son's land deal closed and he took possession today. He is pretty excited. It is 6 1/4's of deeded grass a mix of native and seeded and 2 1/4's of leased native grass. Not much for buildings a older 40X60 wooden arch rib covered in tin and a house fit for a bull dozer but it has power and a well a couple of dams and dugout and a spring in the bottom of a coulee on the lease.
It produced 500 heavy bales of hay last year and grazed about 80 cows. He is custom grazing some yearling hfrs this year to get started anyway and get a feel for the place. Nice thing is it's about 4 miles up the road and only 1/2 a mile from our SW corner to his NE corner.
The former owners were pretty happy Lane a "Local" bought it and Lane offer to let them come fence if they missed the place to much. :D
Congratulations Lane! Agriculture and feeding people has a bright future!

I am curious BMR - what is / was your advise to him as he starts his business.

Gomez said:
Congratulations Lane! Agriculture and feeding people has a bright future!

I am curious BMR - what is / was your advise to him as he starts his business.


That's a great question for BMR, Gomez.
Congraulations to your son, BMR! :clap:
:tiphat: :clap: for Lane and BMR. Tell him to take pics. I didn't take pics of this place when we took possesion, because it was a mess. 22 years later, I wish I had for some before and after comparrisons. Sometimes I sit on a hill and remember planting this windbreak or that one, building the house or shop or barn and corrals.
Gomez said:
Congratulations Lane! Agriculture and feeding people has a bright future!

I am curious BMR - what is / was your advise to him as he starts his business.


Find a wife with a good paying job. :D

Good fences make good neighbors. :D

Be nice to your banker. :D

Over the last couple years has has looked at a couple other places, They probably would have been OK if he had got the deal done but this one is the closest to our home operation.
nmhighdesert said:
That is great, gotta make you proud. And to have him close by, Britt will not be the only one subject to child abuse on the ranch :lol:

She is moving down to Outlook. Bought a house from her aunt and uncle. Closer to work and something her and her husband can fix on. She will still come home to help. :D

That is a good idea to take pictures Short Grass.
We live in the bottom of a valley here and He's on top of the world. Can probably see 30 miles into Montana. :D He has a view of Peaked Butte that sits right on the border 2 miles south.
Big Muddy rancher said:
Gomez said:
Congratulations Lane! Agriculture and feeding people has a bright future!

I am curious BMR - what is / was your advise to him as he starts his business.


Find a wife with a good paying job. :D

Good fences make good neighbors. :D

Be nice to your banker. :D

Over the last couple years has has looked at a couple other places, They probably would have been OK if he had got the deal done but this one is the closest to our home operation.

You gave your son very good advice for the future :D
Big Muddy rancher said:
Gomez said:
Congratulations Lane! Agriculture and feeding people has a bright future!

I am curious BMR - what is / was your advise to him as he starts his business.


Find a wife with a good paying job. :D

Good fences make good neighbors. :D

Be nice to your banker. :D

Over the last couple years has has looked at a couple other places, They probably would have been OK if he had got the deal done but this one is the closest to our home operation.

Congratulations first and foremost... The one thing you forgot to tell him, was not to lose too much sleep. It's the bank's money. (That said - If he loses sleep the banker doesn't need to)
Big Muddy rancher said:
Gomez said:
Congratulations Lane! Agriculture and feeding people has a bright future!

I am curious BMR - what is / was your advise to him as he starts his business.


Find a wife with a good paying job. :D

Good fences make good neighbors. :D

Be nice to your banker. :D

Over the last couple years has has looked at a couple other places, They probably would have been OK if he had got the deal done but this one is the closest to our home operation.

If I may add a couple BMR.

Never be afraid to be innovative and try something new.

Always be ready to take advantage of unexpected opportunities.
If there is anything that will make you feel better than your first born calf it is when you buy your first piece of ground! :D

As the crow flies my son is 3 miles away and that is a blessing - - - close grand children! :D :D :D

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