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NCBA opening export markets?

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Well-known member
Feb 10, 2005
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I've read several NCBA members saying the NCBA has been working to open our export markets, especially Japan. Would someone tell me what they have been doing?
Sandhusker said:
I've read several NCBA members saying the NCBA has been working to open our export markets, especially Japan. Would someone tell me what they have been doing?

Latest letter from NCBA to Japan Embassy:

Dear Mr. Fujiyama (or Fujimoto- Whatever!),
Would you please buy beef from us again? We have talked to the USDA and tried to get them to start BSE testing but you know the USDA. They're in bed with the big packers and their hands are tied. If we drop our price again will you take it then? Please? Our "scientific" age testing is so accurate we can tell if the calf was born in the morning or afternoon. Just kidding! Hope to hear from you soon.

Yours truly,

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