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Well-known member
Sep 22, 2008
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Just An American

I was in the Hilltop canyon again yesterday where the grass tour started and again early today as I live at the mouth of the canyon and drive right up the canyon everyday to work. This is my back door and the grass is very tall with cheat grass near 26" high, and native grasses 18" high in many places. This is the best grass year in the past 10 years. The fire danger is going to be scary by the 4th of July and few even realize what Mr Furtado has set us up for. A gallon of diesel fuel has 115,000 BTU and a pound of grass has 7350 BTU'S so to compare a Gallon of Diesel weighs 7 lbs rounded up for good measure and 7 lbs of grass has 51,450 BTU"S That is one hell of a lot of fuel for the range fires that are going to happen because we didn't control the cheat grass.

The BLM didn't have a large enough budget last year in a slow fire season with little fuel. They borrowed from the sage grouse budget, this year they have less money and are looking at a severe fire season. "due to the heavy fuel load". I call that mismanagement!

The feral horses are double the allotted number for almost every herd management area. They have no budget to haul water to them this summer and many will thirst to death. They also have no funds to gather the excess horses to bring the numbers in line according to the mandates for numbers in Herd Management Area's. This is just appalling that a agency can be so mismanaged and allowed to continue to exist, as they obstruct productivity and sustainability and promote incompetence. We as Citizen's need to stand up and demand the removal of the entire BLM as a responsible land management agency and manage it ourselves as many ranchers and miners did before the creation of the BLM.

Before the BLM we had adequate sage grouse populations, and deer populations. The range was healthy and the horses had a economic value insuring there survival. Yes they were gathered and the usable ones were used for ranch horses and the unusable were sold to slaughter. Today the American taxpayer foots the bill for around 50,000 feral horses at a cost of approx. $4.00 per day per horse. That is about $72.5 Million just to maintain the ones held in feed lots alone. This holding a feral horse that has ran free its entire life on Thousand's of acres, and abruptly confining it to a feed lot is inhumane in its self.
At this point it isn't about Ranchers and Miners, It is about the Hunter, the ATV enthusiast, and the Fisherman. We are all in the same place in time and our freedoms are at stake. Every road closure, every endangered species is just a excuse to create a non use of the public lands, and once they are closed they will never be reopened.

I am reminded of the sad plight of the American Indian, and all of the broken promises they were given by a corrupt government that had no intentions of bargaining in good faith. Government has no conscience, no brain, no memory, no moral foundation. No ability to care, yet they have been given that responsibility in exchange for our freedom. This is especially true when the restrictions placed upon this monster by the Constitution are ignored. Our fight is in there in Black and White. They can't own big tracts of land and the purposes of ownership are limited. States rights is the first fight. Then individual rights. Government Cannot manage anything. Their only purpose is to protect the border and protect individuals from force and fraud. Now they are the force, the fraud, and the borders are wide open.

I find the current situation appalling. We have our elected Senator Harry Reid with no regard to anyone other than himself. He has hand picked the current BLM Director. And with little imagination it is reminiscent of the 1890's and a corrupt Indian agent, serving the corrupt officials that have empowered him to steal American's property once again. It is Time you and I stood up and said no more. To federal ownership of land and to the corrupt agencies that answer to corrupt officials who have no regard for the Constitution

I as many Americans came from a long line of people that crossed Oceans and traveled thousand's of miles to the New World and intermarried with the natives and became a people that stood up for freedom and injustice. Today I find my self a product of all my ancestors, and am proud to call myself AMERICAN not Irish American, Not Native American, Not Swiss American But Just AMERICAN as my ancestors were proud to call themselves.

Wayne Nebeker Proud to call My self JUST AN AMERICAN
You are a very good American, W.T. Thanks for the enlightening write-up on how things are in your part of the country. Government has gotten way too big for its britches. It needs to be taken down a peg or two.
Thanks for the replies.. But we as ranchers, farmers. And just rural people cannot accept what the government is doing any longer.
What legacy are we leaving our children, one of defeat and control. Or are we going to stand up and save some freedom for them and there sons and daughters.
It is a personal decision, we must make for ourselves. We cannot have freedom without a price as our founding fathers new. And we cannot have Government hand outs without a price. What one must ask is what value do I put on freedom, What value do I put on the right to own property. And what value do I put on being a AMERICAN. To me they are all priceless.
What's Big Muddy clapping for? Hell a few weeks ago he was beating down a guy who had had enough and was sticking up for rights.
Ho55 said:
What's Big Muddy clapping for? Hell a few weeks ago he was beating down a guy who had had enough and was sticking up for rights.

Sticking up for your rights is different then letting your cattle run all over Hell's half acre when you never had the rights to that ground. Bundy might have had his back to the wall but I feel he was in the wrong on some of what he did and went about rectifying it in the wrong way.
If Bundy had of stuck to the issues at hand he would have made more headway to resolving his problems and not been seen as a nut case radical by many.
Right or wrong has no bearing, as neither side was correct in there actions. Bundy made a stand and that is the important part.. here in northern Nevada there was protest and a petition. Bundy was on a island and stuck both fingers in the air and expressed himself to Harry Reid, and I can find value in that.
You still don't get it Big Muddy. Never had rights to ground? Get educated on this issue before you comment anymore on it.
Grazing rights are private property. And many have a difficult time understanding the complicated laws. here is the best explanation I have found. As it gets to the heart of the matter, and explains part of the inherent problems that create confusion. If you don't read it all don't bother as you cant pick bits and pieces and expect to understand.

If you take the time to read the link. You will begin to understand, what motivated many ranchers to make a stand. Many ranchers have been 4,5,6 and 7 generations on the same place. They were there when it was considered useless ground, and no one cared what they did. Today we have way to many people that think they should be running the entire country. The arid Great basin ecosystem takes a lifetime to understand, and these ranchers have that experience. As I read study after study from accredited universities, I have concluded that no two can agree on the science of range management. And BLM studies are at best severely flawed, with built in inconsistencies from the rotation of managers that have no experience in that local ecosystem. Again this gives the long term rancher a advantage in managing the allotment. He has the knowledge that is needed to understand the soil, the grass, the weather, and the daily condition of his cattle. Every ranchers knows that he must be economically sustainable, and to abuse the range has no value to his operation. This is the thing that the BLM misses on every turn of the pages, the ranchers understand better than they do with all of there educations. And that creates ego problems for the BLM managers who believe that there education has given them the knowledge to understand every thing. It is hard to admit that you are wrong. Then there is the political groups that have no dog in the fight that we the taxpayer fund to litigate against us. Western watersheds is funded by the taxpayer, The Sierra club is also funded by the Government. And the we get The BLM District manager to make the statement that he and the Western Watershed group will hold there own grass tour in September. Gentlemen this is the one I am waiting for. We need to show up with several hundred people and peacefully interact with them on even ground.
Ho55 said:
You still don't get it Big Muddy. Never had rights to ground? Get educated on this issue before you comment anymore on it.

He had rights to some ground but from the maps shown he had let his cattle spread to ground he never held rights to. I'm not disputing he held grazing and water rights but not to all he was claiming or using.

Do you get to run cattle outside your permitted area?

That is a good article that WT put up the link to. looks to me from that a good lawyer could have made Bundy's case in court before things got out of hand.
Big Muddy rancher said:
Ho55 said:
You still don't get it Big Muddy. Never had rights to ground? Get educated on this issue before you comment anymore on it.

He had rights to some ground but from the maps shown he had let his cattle spread to ground he never held rights to. I'm not disputing he held grazing and water rights but not to all he was claiming or using.

Do you get to run cattle outside your permitted area?

That is a good article that WT put up the link to. looks to me from that a good lawyer could have made Bundy's case in court before things got out of hand.

Life is all about personal choices. And you are correct a good lawyer could have made a case. the way I see it, Bundy thought he didn't need to hire a laywer, he thought that people would bargain in good faith. And that was his mistake. Cliven Bundy believed in people, he believed that his elected officials would stand up for the people, he believed that he had rights and that he lived in America, and that his rights would be honored by the politicians that he thought to be honest people. Yes Cliven Bundy is a guilty man, but far from dishonest.

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