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New Gopher Gun

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Not sure of the practical application!

Time to replace those little "pea shooters"!

I had to call my son and tell him about it since he just bought himself a 45-70.

I had to laugh at the "Kick of 10, 30-06's" as when Lane was about 12 some hunter let him shoot his 30-06 and just the way he was kneeling it put him over backwards. the second shot would have took down a goose. :lol: :lol:
Big Muddy rancher said:
I had to call my son and tell him about it since he just bought himself a 45-70.

I had to laugh at the "Kick of 10, 30-06's" as when Lane was about 12 some hunter let him shoot his 30-06 and just the way he was kneeling it put him over backwards. the second shot would have took down a goose. :lol: :lol:

Yep- it reminded me of back in the old days when we used to have to run a tactical course- shoot 50 round pistol at multi distance- then 10 rounds rifle (M-14 .308) at targets of 200 and 300 yard- and then 10 rounds of 12 gauge shotgun slugs using the sawed off shotguns....Since it was all timed sometimes in the heat of the moment you didn't get the shotgun sucked into the shoulder too tight- and the next day you're whole arm and shoulder was black and blue... I used to really feel sorry for those little 130 lb female officers running the course...

I could just feel the pain of that poor sucker that about got his pony tail blowed off :wink: :lol:

Today while in town- I saw a cartridge from a 45-110 (Quigley round) next to a 45-70-- and I couldn't believe how small it made the 45-70 seem...
Now I want to shoot one !!
Gcreek will want one of them for Deb to get them big dogs when he is not at home probaly have a little more range on them. Have a good one
After being knocked on her butt by my 300 Win Mag a year ago she won't shoot anything more than her .243 :lol:

A friend wondered if the wolf she missed was asking itself if that woman just shot herself......

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