Hello everyone,
As I stated im new here and in need of some help/advice. Im 21yrs old and have been working with my best friends grandfather on his farm for many many years. 3 seasons ago, he purchased a Brand New, New Holland 648 Silage Special round baler...Net/Twine and has the Bale Command Plus system. Ive been doing all the round bale`n with the machine since it was brought out to the farm. We have been having problems with the twine tie operation, sometimes the twine wont catch, leaving sides untied, other times the twine wont feed at all, and still other times the twine somehow becomes wrapped around the front roll instead of the bale itself. We have had our dealer out to the farm on several occasions...4 that i can remember. Each time they have claimed to make adjustments to the twine wands and have yet to produce satisfactory results. Then the bomb fell, a month or two ago I was finishing up an 8 acre field of hay (1st cutting mix of alf alfa and orchard grass). On my very last bale, the machine tripped, went into auto tie mode, but when I looked back to view the operation, the wands went about 1/2 way from home position and stopped. Upon inspection I could see that the wands are actually stuck against the knife bracket on the sides of the machine. I am absolutely certain that there are no adjustments that can correct this "drooping" problem. Joe, my good friend and "boss" (lol) and I have been all over the machine, inspecting every piece. We simply can not find any mechanical failures or breaks anywhere within the system. It is our speculation that the bracket to which the twine wands are connected has been welded improperly to the frame of the baler, leaving the wands to droop below their normal position. Upon inspection of similar machines, we see that the wands pass directly through the knife bracket (after the knives are in the up position). Our wands strike the bracket on the lower piece. we assume that they have been out of allignment since we first got the machine, and have been "jumping through" during tie operation, until just recently when they finally gave up and refuse to go through anymore.
I apologize for being so long-winded but this problem really has us stumped. I was wondering if anyone has ever encountered such a problem? Know of any fix? Any input at all would be greatly appreciated!
Just to let you know, the baler is sitting in our NH dealers shop as I am typing this. I am leaving at 9am tomorrow to go to the shop and literally tear the machine apart with their mechanics. In the mean time I would greatly appreciate some input, and I will also post back with an update after i get home from the dealer.
Thanks again!
As I stated im new here and in need of some help/advice. Im 21yrs old and have been working with my best friends grandfather on his farm for many many years. 3 seasons ago, he purchased a Brand New, New Holland 648 Silage Special round baler...Net/Twine and has the Bale Command Plus system. Ive been doing all the round bale`n with the machine since it was brought out to the farm. We have been having problems with the twine tie operation, sometimes the twine wont catch, leaving sides untied, other times the twine wont feed at all, and still other times the twine somehow becomes wrapped around the front roll instead of the bale itself. We have had our dealer out to the farm on several occasions...4 that i can remember. Each time they have claimed to make adjustments to the twine wands and have yet to produce satisfactory results. Then the bomb fell, a month or two ago I was finishing up an 8 acre field of hay (1st cutting mix of alf alfa and orchard grass). On my very last bale, the machine tripped, went into auto tie mode, but when I looked back to view the operation, the wands went about 1/2 way from home position and stopped. Upon inspection I could see that the wands are actually stuck against the knife bracket on the sides of the machine. I am absolutely certain that there are no adjustments that can correct this "drooping" problem. Joe, my good friend and "boss" (lol) and I have been all over the machine, inspecting every piece. We simply can not find any mechanical failures or breaks anywhere within the system. It is our speculation that the bracket to which the twine wands are connected has been welded improperly to the frame of the baler, leaving the wands to droop below their normal position. Upon inspection of similar machines, we see that the wands pass directly through the knife bracket (after the knives are in the up position). Our wands strike the bracket on the lower piece. we assume that they have been out of allignment since we first got the machine, and have been "jumping through" during tie operation, until just recently when they finally gave up and refuse to go through anymore.
I apologize for being so long-winded but this problem really has us stumped. I was wondering if anyone has ever encountered such a problem? Know of any fix? Any input at all would be greatly appreciated!
Just to let you know, the baler is sitting in our NH dealers shop as I am typing this. I am leaving at 9am tomorrow to go to the shop and literally tear the machine apart with their mechanics. In the mean time I would greatly appreciate some input, and I will also post back with an update after i get home from the dealer.
Thanks again!