First of all you blame R-Calf for being isolationists. Canadian Agriculture is run by socialistic government that dictates quotas and subsidizes the cattle industry to the hilt.
I usually let some one else respond - but here goes. Your statement is considered correct by some - but most of the folks I know have received no where near the direct subsidies you might talk / rant about. I suspect some would actually like to go on quota - if only to survive - 'nother time for that story.
Certainly the U.S. government has a far larger support policy towards U.S. ag than the Canadians do. That in itself is unarguable. Simply go to the web sites and see the TOTALS spent on ag in both countries - the U.S. is far higher.
Your govt. doesn't care about the problems of US cattlemen, mainly inflation and loss of export markets.
Much like the U.S. government is concerned with the internal workings of the U.S. side of the border, the Canadian government is concerned with their side of the border. Your accusation rings falsely. If only because it appears you have closed your eyes and ears to the sound of reason.
They glom onto our greedy, mafia owned, vertically integrated meat packers and start subsidizing them to the hilt.
When a country needs slaughter capacity it is easier to add on to an existing facility with established markets than it is to start fresh. The Canadians needed help immediately and built additional capacity.
For what ever the reason - nuff on that topic - It was the U.S. that closed the border - not the Canadians.
Mafia owned - care to prove that statement?
I put it to you - WHAT WOULD YOU HAVE DONE? If you have an answer that is not a rant I suspect many of us would like to hear it. Maybe - just maybe it is a good idea.
Is your govt. going to set quotas for them too or are they going to use them to suck billions more dollars out of the US which is already broke.
The U.S. government is not broke - it is in debt. There is a big difference. I might add the economy is not doing too badly - just look out side of your area of knowledge and examine the rest of the country other than the beef industry. Seems to me U.S. cattle prices are up substantially - you still not making money?
I've got a right to bitch
Yup, and I am one of those who did his duty so you can do just that.
"I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
Wish I could remember the originator of the quote - but it's one I live by.
I just bought a John Deere mower. It cost a hell of a lot.
American owned company. Care to disclose exactly what plant and what city it was made in? Or do you even know?
Then I found out it was made in Canada and all I did was make a bunch of Canadians rich.
Nope, you gave some poor working slob a chance to keep making his rent payment and feeding his kids.
You made a bunch of Americans richer.
If you think trade is so good for the US why don't you start buying about 60 billion more from the US so we can have fair trade?
Canada does not have the bucks to do that - trade is already substantial as you will soon see. The entire country has less population than the State of California.
Trade between the counties is over a billion dollars per day - maybe higher - and I believe Canada is still the number one trading partner of the U.S. The additional funds are just not there at present.
There are arguments on both sides as to whether or not the trade is fair. The U.S. has consistently placed barriers in front of the Canucks - lumber, wheat, corn, and so on. Canada imports corn in staggering amounts into Ontario - at prices less than Canadians can produce it. So, what is free trade?
How about an answer please? How about possibly telling us how you would run the program? How would you deal with the various special interest groups that finance the politicians who run both sides of the issue.
Can you answer these questions - I have attempted and cannot - but I do attempt to maintain an open mind - I certainly would like to hear some good ideas from both sides of the border. You can be sure folks like us could probably solve the issue faster than those in the puzzle palaces.
I'm damn glad to have R-calf sticking up for US cattlemen.
I am glad you are glad. While I am not a supporter, I have never slammed them. They are what they are. What that is - only you can decide.
I doubt if they can solve the big problems of dealing with socialists, but at least they are trying.
Are they? Personally I think not, but that is my opinion. Who launched the border closure actions?
Then again maybe "they" is another organization. Your accusations and comments are unclear.
Answer me this. How can a free market economy work when you have free trade with a socialst govt. controled economy?
Most Canadians I know are not socialist. But there are groups on both sides of the border that lean that way. Can you think of any?
Why have U.S. companies left for other lands? Profit. Plain and simple. That is why there are so many companies leaving for China, India, and so on. Socialism has nothing to do with it.
Now wonder Candian cattle, dairy cattle and hogs are so much cheaper than ours.
If no one will buy them - the price drops. Fairly simple concept. So people who want to make money buy them and then sell the finished product. I think you need to look a bit more inward rather than throwing accusations. I do not believe your accusations have much merit. You have not examined the entire picture.
Who buys them and re-sells them? Canadian companies? Or is it companies based in the U.S.?
So in effect what you want is for your govt. to contol the price of US cattle. Right?
Huh? I am unclear as to your statement. No foreign county can do this - at least to the best of my knowledge.
If the Canadians are controlling the price you should be doing handstands for joy - and thanking them profusely - the prices are up!
Are you part of the problem, or part of the solution?
Enough for now - I will re-enter lurk mode. Have a nice day, and watch the blood pressure.