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Not One Madoff Regulator Fired


Well-known member
Feb 10, 2005
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Montgomery, Al
Coffee Breaks Continue? :lol: :lol: :lol: "Change" anyone? :lol: :lol: :lol:

The Securities and Exchange Commission, which failed to stop Bernard Madoff’s long-running investment fraud despite repeated warnings, has disciplined eight agency employees over their handling of the matter but did not fire anyone.

The SEC’s head of human resources and a law firm hired to advise the agency had recommended that SEC Chairman Mary L. Schapiro fire one person, whom the SEC described as a manager in the office that inspects investment firms.

But the chairman decided not to fire the employee, because doing so “would harm the agency’s work,” SEC spokesman John Nester said.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2011/11/13/eight-sec-employees-disciplined-over-failures-in-madoff-fraud-case-none-are-fired/#ixzz1dgXDlV1h
Why/How do you fire them- when they were following the instructions of the top dogs in the administration :???:

When folks have been told for years their job was only to shuffle papers and look like they were doing something (shown over and over in legislative hearings)--- its hard to find they did anything anti to the leadership or that should cause them to lose their jobs over......

Sad thing is that we had such an adminstration advising folks for so long a period!!! :(
Oldtimer said:
Why/How do you fire them- when they were following the instructions of the top dogs in the administration :???:

When folks have been told for years their job was only to shuffle papers and look like they were doing something (shown over and over in legislative hearings)--- its hard to find they did anything anti to the leadership or that should cause them to lose their jobs over......

Sad thing is that we had such an adminstration advising folks for so long a period!!! :(

ot must like crow because he primed himself for another helping
Oldtimer said:
Why/How do you fire them- when they were following the instructions of the top dogs in the administration :???:

When folks have been told for years their job was only to shuffle papers and look like they were doing something (shown over and over in legislative hearings)--- its hard to find they did anything anti to the leadership or that should cause them to lose their jobs over......

Sad thing is that we had such an adminstration advising folks for so long a period!!! :(

I too would like to see evidence of them being told to "only to shuffle papers"

Was this during the Clinton administration and the hearings in which Brooksley Born suggested that regulations should be placed on derivatives?

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