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Obama Birth Certificate Bombshell

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badaxemoo said:
Kudos to the tinfoil helmet wearers for sticking to their guns:


OMG, that is funny! I've been listening to Larry the Cable guy in the background...my 16 year old grandson and a friend are here...and this is 10 times funnier... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Thanks Badaxe, those were funny.

DailyKos know anything about the Senate saying a "Natural Born Citizen" is a person born of 2 American Citizen parents?
hypocritexposer said:
Thanks Badaxe, those were funny.

DailyKos know anything about the Senate saying a "Natural Born Citizen" is a person born of 2 American Citizen parents?

Does anybody? Well, except for you and the birthers and Obama haters and Orly Taitz...

If you refuse to believe what Obama and the Senate comittee said about the definition of Natural Born Citizen, that is up to you.

It's been explained many times, and you still do not understand.

Mrs. MCCASKILL (for herself, Mr. LEAHY, Mr. OBAMA, Mr. COBURN, Mrs. CLINTON, and Mr. WEBB)

Whereas such limitations would be inconsistent with the purpose and intent of the ''natural born Citizen'' clause of the Constitution of the United States, as evidenced by the First Congress's own statute defining the term ''natural born Citizen''

"every human being born within the jurisdiction of the United States of parents not owing allegiance to any foreign sovereignty is, in the language of your Constitution itself, a natural born citizen." (Cong. Globe, 39th, 1st Sess., 1291 (1866))
hypocritexposer said:
If you refuse to believe what Obama and the Senate comittee said about the definition of Natural Born Citizen, that is up to you.

It's been explained many times, and you still do not understand.

Mrs. MCCASKILL (for herself, Mr. LEAHY, Mr. OBAMA, Mr. COBURN, Mrs. CLINTON, and Mr. WEBB)

Whereas such limitations would be inconsistent with the purpose and intent of the ''natural born Citizen'' clause of the Constitution of the United States, as evidenced by the First Congress's own statute defining the term ''natural born Citizen''

"every human being born within the jurisdiction of the United States of parents not owing allegiance to any foreign sovereignty is, in the language of your Constitution itself, a natural born citizen." (Cong. Globe, 39th, 1st Sess., 1291 (1866))

Oh, I understand very well what you are trying to propagate...and why :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

You just don't seem to get that what you are trying you are feeding your minions is a load of crap.... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Wait, wait, wait...of course you know that...there's just not any money in it for you....

What did Jon Stewart call the Senate, including Obama, when they confirmed the definition of "Natural Born Citizen"

Were they also "birthers"
reader (the Second) said:
I heard that too, 'the lost Gabor sister' and it had a certain ring to it. :wink:

Talkin' about Orly Taitz...right? Perfect!!!!!!!!!!

name calling when you have no sensible argument is nothing new, we see it daily here at PB.

And you guys think it is all a joke.

We'll see how funny it is if the President, this one and the next continue to disregard the Consitution and thier own resolutions.
hypocritexposer said:
name calling when you have no sensible argument is nothing new, we see it daily here at PB.

And you guys think it is all a joke.

We'll see how funny it is if the President, this one and the next continue to disregard the Consitution and thier own resolutions.

Oh, we do indeed...and you are not exempt from it.

Getting a little scared, are ya'?

So, are you saying that the next president, whenever that may be, has already been given the "black star" by you and the birthers and the Obama haters.

Be carefull...your paycheck may depend on it...

hypocritexposer said:
Still no argument for the Senate affirming 1st Congress's definition and intention on Natural Born Citizen?

They've got arguement against that. All the libs can do is pull each other's finger and laugh at farts. You're asking them to sit at the adult's table and they can't get their fingers out of their noses.
Sandhusker said:
They've got arguement against that. All the libs can do is pull each other's finger and laugh at farts. You're asking them to sit at the adult's table and they can't get their fingers out of their noses.

Wouldn't it be difficult to pull each other's fingers if they were lodged in our noses?

And call me crazy, but I'd rather suffer from finger-in-nose than head-up-ass.

That tinfoil helmet must make it extremely uncomfortable.
badaxemoo said:
Sandhusker said:
They've got arguement against that. All the libs can do is pull each other's finger and laugh at farts. You're asking them to sit at the adult's table and they can't get their fingers out of their noses.

Wouldn't it be difficult to pull each other's fingers if they were lodged in our noses?

And call me crazy, but I'd rather suffer from finger-in-nose than head-up-ass.

That tinfoil helmet must make it extremely uncomfortable.

Why don't you step up and address hypo's post? Doesn't take much to stand in the shadows and be a smart-ass.
Nobody can even take a stab at why Obama, congress etc chose to ignore thier own decision on the intention and definition of Natural Born Citizen in April 2008?

Some "birthers" have chosen to believe and trust the Senate and Obama, and all you liberals can do is call them names and call them conpiracy theorists?

It's difficult to argue, isn't it, when it's Obama and the Senate that I believe over those that are truly biased.

Nonothing, why not let us all know how they vetted Obama again, using different criteria, than what he and the Senate used in April 2008 to vet McCain?

what do you call it, when different criteria is used for 2 different candidates?
Nobody can even take a stab at why Obama, congress etc chose to ignore thier own decision on the intention and definition of Natural Born Citizen in April 2008?


did you see the copy of the letter I posted which was senator baucus's response to obama's eligibility- here is the most important quote from it:

"the rules of the Senate do not allow me to intervene in, or influence the outcome of, cases that are under the jurisdiction of any court".

I think that says it all, Berg's case was in play from the begining, this is congresses scape goat clause. Now they are not responsible. So once again it is up to We the People.
Lonecowboy, I for sure saw that. I'm not counting on anything being done before 2012, but hopefully enough people will become aware of the situation before then.

The problem is that the majority of "we the people" are just noticing what went on. When the situation starts costing $$ and freedoms, they will educate themselves.

Those of us that have been following this from the get go, are only becoming more entrenched/educated in our research and convictions.

I have not found one iota of evidence or argument to prove me wrong on the "Natural Born Citizen" issue. Only evidence and precedent to collaborate what I'm saying.

All the libs/dems can do is to call names and divert. They can't argue against Obama himself and the resolution that was passed concerning McCain.

There's a reason I've had my sig line for quite awhile now. If they refuse to acknowledge facts, that's up to them. Hopefully enough people will acknowledge the facts and ask the needed questions, before all heck busts loose.

Have you revisited "the Obama deception" lately? How's that coming in line with reality?

In my opinion, when the "majority" disregards checks and balances that have been put in place to protect "everyone" from tyranny, it's only looking for trouble.

Time for a correction, how it is done is up to the majority.


Chairman Leahy. We will come back to that. I would mention one other thing, if I might, Senator Specter. Let me just ask this: I believe--and we have had some question in this Committee to have a special law passed declaring that Senator McCain, who was born in the Panama Canal, that he meets the constitutional requirement to be President. I fully believe he does. I have never had any question in my mind that he meets our constitutional requirement. You are a former Federal judge. You are the head of the agency that executes Federal immigration law. Do you have any doubt in your mind--I mean, I have none in mine. Do you have any doubt in your mind that he is constitutionally eligible to become President?

Secretary Chertoff. My assumption and my understanding is that if you are born of American parents, you are naturally a natural-born American citizen.

Chairman Leahy. That is mine, too. Thank you.

From the above link

This didn't address the issue with Obama having parents from two different countries. The issue with Obama is not resolved by following this case.[/u]

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